Reading List pt3: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Mar 16, 2010 20:22


So we spent a good 1/3 of class hearing how the androids were the most human and sympathetic characters in the whole book. How Phillip K. Dick upsets the usual Western archetype by using all of these strong female characters. How they represented the future hope of society with their superior skills and intelligence.

But guess what? I hated the androids to a one. I cheered when Deckard killed them. I found the most humane and relatable character was Mrs. Deckard. She recognized the despair around her and didn't hide from it. She loved her husband enough to support him through his little break down with trips to the middle of no where in the middle of the night and comes back with a gash and a robotic frog. She's kind, emotional, loving, loyal, and accepting. I know she isn't independent, or shown to be particularly smart. But that just makes her the exact opposite of the androids, which makes me like her even more.

I knew I wouldn't agree with this guy on the 3rd day of class, but you'd think that the law of large numbers would have kicked in by now.

books, class

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