If you get more of a background in applied math, you could work for the Corps, no doubt. You just have to be careful, though. I probably did one mathematical thing a week, and only one "interesting" math problem ever 2-3 weeks (maybe you remember my bitching about having not a whole lot to do?).
I know you have some applied skills, but engineering places don't always understand what counts as applied vs. what counts as theory. Hell, they still think my friend's Numerical Analysis is "theory" because it has Analysis in it, and his ODE I class is applied 'cuz it's about DEs.
Comments 1
I know you have some applied skills, but engineering places don't always understand what counts as applied vs. what counts as theory. Hell, they still think my friend's Numerical Analysis is "theory" because it has Analysis in it, and his ODE I class is applied 'cuz it's about DEs.
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