-Pronunciation note In the sense of a person's strong point (He draws well, but sculpture is his forte), the older and historical pronunciation of forte is the one-syllable /fɔrt/ The word is derived from the French word fort "strong." A two-syllable pronunciation /ˈfɔrteɪ/[fawr-tey] is increasingly heard, especially from younger educated speakers, perhaps owing to confusion with the musical term forte, pronounced in English as /ˈfɔrteɪ/[fawr-tey] and in Italian as /ˈfɔrtɛ/[fawr-te]. Both the one- and two-syllable pronunciations of forte are now considered standard
This falls under the category of "ignorant popular usage bastardizing the language".
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go yell at some kids to get off my lawn. :)
Comments 4
Let me know the next time yer in my area :)
Good job by the way.
- Aaron (http://amhill.net)
From http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/forte
-Pronunciation note In the sense of a person's strong point (He draws well, but sculpture is his forte), the older and historical pronunciation of forte is the one-syllable /fɔrt/
The word is derived from the French word fort "strong." A two-syllable pronunciation /ˈfɔrteɪ/[fawr-tey] is increasingly heard, especially from younger educated speakers, perhaps owing to confusion with the musical term forte, pronounced in English as /ˈfɔrteɪ/[fawr-tey] and in Italian as /ˈfɔrtɛ/[fawr-te]. Both the one- and two-syllable pronunciations of forte are now considered standard
This falls under the category of "ignorant popular usage bastardizing the language".
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go yell at some kids to get off my lawn. :)
(Thanks for stopping by!!!)
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