I'm returning as a full-time undergrad student in a new major next fall. Between now and then, I want to finish Calculus I and Calculus II at the nearest community college to transfer credit for and fill the BS math requirement. I don't want to have to balance math with a full course load when I know it's not something I'm extremely good with.
Could any of you recommend books or websites for someone whose forté isn't math to learn enough college level math to be prepared for and test into a 200-level college Calculus I course? I learn best with things put into simple terms and explained through example, but I'm open to anything at all that might be helpful.
Prerequisites: Demonstrated competency through appropriate assessment or MAT 131 and MAT 132 or MAT 133 and MAT 134 or MAT 136 and MAT 137. Reviews the concepts of exponential, logarithmic and inverse functions. Studies in depth the fundamental concepts and operations of calculus including limits, continuity, differentiation including implicit and logarithmic differentiation. Applies differential calculus to solve problems in the natural and social sciences, to solve estimation problems and to solve optimization problems. Applies differential calculus to sketch curves and to identify local and global extrema, inflection points, increasing/decreasing behavior, concavity, behavior at infi nity, horizontal and vertical tangents and asymptotes, and slant asymptotes. Applies the concept of Riemann sums and antiderivatives to fi nd Riemann integrals. Applies the fundamental theorem of calculus to solve initial value problems, and to find areas and volumes and the average values of a function.)
Thanks so much in advance!