Sparky Mistletoe Madness aka John's Persistence Pays Off

Jan 01, 2012 19:42

I wanted to make the Sparky Advent calendar full, so I created this bit of silliness. This is what comes from me eating too much chocolate.  Image heavy.

John:  I put some mistletoe up in your office, Lizabeth. Whaddya say?
Elizabeth:  I don't think my office is an appropriate place, John.

John:  How about the balcony then?  I even got you a Christmas present!

Rodney:  Elizabeth, what's this weird shrubbery doing hanging up in the middle of the infirmary?
John:  Rodney, get the hell away from Elizabeth!  And me for heaven's sake!

John:  Well, I've got the gate covered.

Landry:  Colonel, what are you doing?
John:  Sorry, sir.  I have to get this gate covered too.

Teyla:  John, do you wish Elizabeth to be captured on a Wraith hive ship along with us?
John:  Well, no.  But it would be a good place to use that whole "we have to share body heat" thing.

John:  How about the Daedalus?
Elizabeth:  I don't think so.  Steven could come in at any second.
John:  I have better hair than him.
Elizabeth:  He has no hair!
John:  Exactly!

John:  Putting one up in your room, John?  That's probably getting presumptuous.  But the fantasies......

John:  Imagine the kind of problems I could cause if we were together while using the chair.  Talking about firing off some drones.

John:  In a prison cell... kinky.

Teyla:  John, I am scantily clad while quickly ingesting your Earth alcohol.  Could you please stop thinking about Dr. Weir and places for you to hang mistletoe?  At least next season Ronon will pay attention to me.

John:  Rodney, is that a storage closet or a transporter?
Rodney:  Not sure.  Why?
John:  Well, either way works I suppose.

Elizabeth:  You put mistletoe on my dog?
John:  Sedge deserves some loving too.

John:  In retrospect, this wasn't my brightest idea.

John:  Yeah, I put some underneath the conference room table.  My team doesn't know it's there.
          But you know.
          And I know.

John:  This is probably more creepy than romantic.  Moving on.

John:  Why isn't the cafeteria a good place for a kiss?  I'm so confused.

John:  This is a diagram of each world where I've placed mistletoe.
Everett:  I'm surprised Sumner didn't shoot himself.

John:  Once again, Rodney, get AWAY from Lizabeth when she's under the mistletoe!
Rodney:  It's not my fault you put them everywhere, Kirk!

John:  Elizabeth's bedroom.  Check!  Now I've got everywhere covered.

Elizabeth:  You're not going to quit.  Are you?
John:  Nope.

John:  Finally!!
Elizabeth:  Less talking, colonel.  More kissing.
John:  Yes, ma'am.


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