April: Therein lies the 2011 Challenge.

Apr 29, 2011 16:23

The end of April marks the fourth update on the the #Reverb10 prompt for my blog-along with Sunflowerakb and chemgal18.

Here is the prompt for those who may have missed the first post:
What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011?
How will you go about eliminating them?
How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

You can find my list of 11 things here; here's my >January update, my February update.
, and the March Edition

I've worked on my feet this month. Or, well, I tried to. I was plugging along with my little alternative therapies quite nicely in March, and then the Ace Gang came for the weekend. I pumped up the air mattress at 1am (will I never learn to inflate before drinking?) and then tried to do a Jack Be Nimble over the queen-sized bed. It would have worked, had I put away the plug-in air pump. I landed right on the prongs of the plug, and by the time I'd bid K good-night I had a sock to rival Curt Schilling. Of course, mine was entirely on the sole of my foot, and it took me a while to realize that my foot was bleeding, so I also left a little trail on my kitchen floor (which I discovered at lunchtime the next day). Open foot wounds counterindicate the kind of treatment I was using. (Open foot wounds should probably also counterindicate training for a 10K, but within a couple of days I'd figured out how to use gauze, and that it would stop hurting during my third mile.) I tried some adaptations, and things now look no worse for the wear. Actually, the force new-skin growth might have been just the ticket.

That's the whole deal with this item on the 2011 list, of course. I can decide I'm going to have feet that don't scare small children, but there's really no way to tell if any of these treatments will work. (Actually, I'm starting to doubt the effacacy of one of them, which is kind of bumming me out.) There are things my life doesn't need that I can toss out by opening a garbage bag and setting my mind on "cleanup" mode, but then there are things like "ambivalence" that require more than me to change...and sometimes the ambivalence itself changes into a radically different kind of uncertainty. Do I need this, I keep asking myself, and even if I don't is it really within my power to get rid of it? That question's more challenging than I'd realized, and next month's answer might be different.

the 2011 challenge

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