I thought it was lovely. I'm not a religious person, but I've always felt that churches, especially the old ones, capture some of the energy of people's hope and humanity. Cemeteries, lucky houses, old trees... those are my churches.
nrr...I've finally figured out how to add your feed to my f-list, so now I can keep up with you elsewhere.
These are gorgeous photos! I love old churches, especially european catholic or eastern orthodox ones. They're beautiful, and they do make me think of thousands of people who were there with their hopes and prayers, but they also house all the amazing church art - architecture, icons, altars..
Thanks, you. Anything that old is going to be pretty cool, I think, and those in Europe are crazy in their ancience. But yeah, there's definitely something sedimentary left of all those people thinking and hoping so hard on the happy and difficult things in their lives.
Cool! You're back in New York? And you've posted on LJ?!? Good news. Sorry we never got to hang out in Savannah. Everything happened so quickly my last day or so there. We should meet sometime soon though if you're back.
Old churches are the coolest. I gotta say, apart from the fact that they're all religious and whatnot, totally fascinating from an aesthetic standpoint. And creepy in a very interesting kind of way. You know what you gotta check out? The Russian orthodox church in Williamsburg. It's probably the most unique looking place in the city. And orthodox iconography is very different.
I used to have this great book called Holding On by David Isay et al, and there were all these interviews with unique characters from the south--religious guys who drink poison and handle snakes in church, folk doctors, amatueur papier-macheists who make dinosaur theme parks in their backyards. Fascinating stuff. Great pictures, too.
I am back! School started yesterday, so I figured I'd come on by and see what was going on over there.
Anything fun going on this weekend besides by party on Friday night? Or next week? I imagine by next weekend I'll be banished to the library again, but for now I actually don't have very much work!! Ahhh, I'm going to jinx it.
Next time Bo is in NY, we should totally go to that Orthodox church, he loves them and has mentioned to me going to a Greek Orthodox service in Athens sometime because it's so cool and different from what we're used to here.
I haven't heard of anything going on Saturday as of yet, but so far a bunch of things that are going on Friday night. One of which is a 50's themed party somewhere. But I'm still going to try to make it to your party at some point. I will certainly let you know if I hear of anything else.
It would be cool indeed to go to an orthodox service sometime. Assuming of course there's some week I can manage to get up early enough on a Sunday. It'd also be interesting, I was thinking, to go check out other religious ceremonies. I went to a hindu service once in Paris, phew! Everyone eats really good curried rice with their hands at the end of it, delicious! Also, I've always wanted to go to a meeting of the Quakers. I suspect it may involve oats.
Hi! I had to delete weebeasts due to a trademark issue -- if you enjoyed watching the ceramic animals, please check out palmsizedpets. (i hope you don't mind me letting you know)
Comments 22
nrr...I've finally figured out how to add your feed to my f-list, so now I can keep up with you elsewhere.
Thanks for finagling with my crazy site!
Old churches are the coolest. I gotta say, apart from the fact that they're all religious and whatnot, totally fascinating from an aesthetic standpoint. And creepy in a very interesting kind of way. You know what you gotta check out? The Russian orthodox church in Williamsburg. It's probably the most unique looking place in the city. And orthodox iconography is very different.
I used to have this great book called Holding On by David Isay et al, and there were all these interviews with unique characters from the south--religious guys who drink poison and handle snakes in church, folk doctors, amatueur papier-macheists who make dinosaur theme parks in their backyards. Fascinating stuff. Great pictures, too.
Anything fun going on this weekend besides by party on Friday night? Or next week? I imagine by next weekend I'll be banished to the library again, but for now I actually don't have very much work!! Ahhh, I'm going to jinx it.
Next time Bo is in NY, we should totally go to that Orthodox church, he loves them and has mentioned to me going to a Greek Orthodox service in Athens sometime because it's so cool and different from what we're used to here.
It would be cool indeed to go to an orthodox service sometime. Assuming of course there's some week I can manage to get up early enough on a Sunday. It'd also be interesting, I was thinking, to go check out other religious ceremonies. I went to a hindu service once in Paris, phew! Everyone eats really good curried rice with their hands at the end of it, delicious! Also, I've always wanted to go to a meeting of the Quakers. I suspect it may involve oats.
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