I DID WHAT?!?!?!?!
Yesturday was a great day. Even though my leads were a little slow to read there mail and realize I wanted to er. (sorry for those non DL people er is Early Release) I opened the attraction today at Bugs so I had to be at work at 9:39a. As soon as I got there I put in the request to er. Now I requested to er at 12:15p, so I could hook up with DP (oh that sounds bad) w/ Crystal and play in the parks before the Boggards show. Anyways I kept hounding them to no avail till the night lead came in and finally granted my er at 1:30p. grrrrrrrrr Anyways it was cute to have Crystal come into the Bugs show and watch her reactions. It is always fun to watch someones first time in a show. Bwaaahaaaa. Now most of you have seen the show so she jumped a few times. Not as bad as the woman a few shows later that literally jumped out of her seat and into the next row in front of her. I was on the floor laughing. Other guest were in stiches. Guess she doesn't like bugs on her butt. So back to the rest of the day. It was a grand time in the parks. Man I have way to much DL info in my head. We met up with Mel, Kate, and Nick. Then the dreaded Small World. Shot me if I ever go there again. We went to the Boggards show around 7:15ish. Man I have been away for way toooooo looonnnngggggg. I must say though being on the road was great but I missed alot of people. It was almost like a high school reunion for me. Johnny Breen looked fantastic. The Boggards were amazing as usual. and everyone I hadn't seen was awsome. I realy did miss you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Not just at faire. We headed back to Dl after the Boggards as I am not much of a Finniwhoos fan anyways. Went on Buzz with a bunch and had a blast. I finally got past the 4th level. I had 525,000 points for level 5. hehehe. When the park closed we walked around for a bit. It was funny how we said good-bye to Mel and crew like 5 times from the time we first left the show to the time we got to the parking structure. Crystal adn I hadn't eaten so we went to DisneyDenny's (many cm's go there after work). We didn't leave til 3:30am. Opps. I'm glad she got home okay. So thats how my St. Pat's day went.