Title: "Um, Don't Mind the Noisy Neighbors"
Day/Theme: Sept 9) Yougottadance. Aslongasthemusicplays.
Series: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Character/Pairing: Heavily Implied Misato/Shinji, Fuyutsuki/OFC
Rating: PG-13 (for *naughty bits*)
Author's Note: Okay, as a break from the sturm and drang of yesterday's offering in
the ambitious NGE project, I thought it was a good time for a little comedy... Also, I have a confession to make: I'm not usually a 'shipper, and I tend to be a bit of a contra-'shipper, but a small part of me secretly 'ships Misato and Shinji, and I've always hoped that post-failure of Instrumentality, Shinji got his chance to "do the rest late" with Misato (though that would probably cause Asuka to go berserk). Yeah, I know it's an April-June romance, and it might be a bit dodgy since Misato is Shinji's guardian, but I still find the idea adorable (hell, I'm writing a May-September romance -- actually a Mayfly-December romance, since Sabia is a *lot* older than she looks -- so a B-couple who's also got an age difference makes for an interesting comparison.)
Also, the tickling bit was shamelessly stolen from inspired by a very silly discussion on the Eva-Geeks forum. Lots of romantic sweetness and silliness (peppered with a little philosophizing from a certain wintry gent...)
After a final check on the two patients in the rudimentary infirmary, Fuyutsuki made his way back to the room he and Sabia were sharing. He found her curled up in bed with a book, which she slipped under her pillow as he undressed before joining her under the bedcovers. She slid aside and he found she had been warming his side of the bed. As thoughtful as this gesture was and as much as it inspired his senses, his flesh deferred after such a long day.
Still, he slid an arm under her shoulders and she nestled against him, laying her cheek on his shoulder. "We fit together almost too easily," he said.
"If you aren't ready, I fully understand," she said. "Finding Ikari left me feeling drained as well."
"I would hope not," he said, stroking a few strands of her hair, which lay across his chest.
Something in the next room, the one Misato had taken, shuffled, followed by a louder rustle. A giggle arose, followed by a thump. A voice that could have belonged to Shinji made a questioning murmur that sounded like "Am I doing this right?", followed by a louder giggle and a cheery, bawdy reply.
"What are those two doing in there?" Fuyutsuki demanded, already with an all-too-clear idea of what their neighbors had gotten up to.
"A better question is, post-apocalyptic world or not, is that legal? He's only fifteen," Sabia asked.
"In this country, it is legal, but things being what they are, it's a technicality," Fuyutsuki replied. "There's no one left to enforce the laws but us."
"Maybe we should at least ask them to be a little more discreet about it," Sabia said, her pale face going pink in the light from the lantern on the desk.
Something in the next room, probably a beer can, clattered and banged to the floor, rolling across it. Misato laughed out loud. Shinji emitted some embarassed burble, which only brought on more giggling from Misato.
"You sedated Asuka, right?" Sabia asked, sounding worried, but still smirking a little at the amorous racket.
"I have her on a low dose of sleeping pills to help her rest easier," Fuyutsuki said, now almost wishing he'd taken one himself.
"That's a relief: she'd be livid enough to kill them both, if she knew about what those two kids are up to," Sabia said, eying the wall above the head of their bed.
"That wasn't my intent, but you're right," he said, getting up; with the flat of his palm, he hit the wall hard a few times. The amorous racket ceased.
"Can you too kindly not make your private activities so noticeable?" he called out.
"Sorry!" Misato called back, but he detected an annoyed mutter he couldn't decipher.
"Make that a tired, grumpy old goat," Sabia said, chuckling to herself.
"Is that what she called me?" he asked, getting back into the bed.
"That's what it sounded like," she said, with a knowing smirk. "I wonder if we were as noisy the other night."
"I tried not to be," he said. "Nor were you ...vocalizing that much." He sighed and shifted a pillow behind his head to damper some of the racket. "I suppose we should simply leave the boy to enjoy his slice of Christmas cake in peace."
"Enjoy his... what?" Sabia asked, curious.
"Christmas cake. It's a phrase that's sometimes used here in Japan to refer to unmarried ladies over the age of twenty-five."
"Ah, I see, like a Christmas cake no one wants to eat after Christmas --" She darted a look at him, then burst out laughing. "I see what you did there." She grew serious for a moment, her eyes gone thoughtful. "I guess we missed Christmas this year."
"It is difficult to think about holiday traditions when the end of the world as we know it is at our doorstep," he said.
"Well, we can still consider it New Year's Day or at the very least, the week after," she said.
"A new year in a new world, I only hope that we can make the most of what we have at hand," he observed.
"Waxing philosophical at a time like this, my love?" she asked, innocently. He felt her hand slip under the back of his knee as she proceeded to tickle him.
"Here, stop that!" he said, struggling not laugh out loud. "Sabia, I'm -- hee-hee! -- I'm ordering you to -- owch! -- stop that now!" He managed to pull away and flip her onto her back, but she grinned up at him and started tickling him under his arm.
Perhaps he was trying to distract himself from being tickled, but he soon realized their neighbors had gone suddenly very quiet. Sabia stopped tickling him and peered at the wall curiously.
"They seem to have settled down finally," he said.
"I think they're stunned from hearing you laughing," she said.
If this were the script for an anime, at the very end:
Shinji and Misato, face-faulting, sitting up in bed (Must come up with some funny Object Underwear for Misato -- no, not Pen-Pen! That's funny, but wierd), at staring at the wall that abuts the next room.
SHINJI: Slides under the covers Urggh, I don't want to think of those two doing... this...
MISATO: Maybe that old goat's got a pulse after all, if he's *ticklish*...