Title: Icarus, in Love
Fandom: 2PM, Wooyoung, Chansung
Rating: G
Summary: "What did the sun think as Icarus fell to his death?"
Notes: thanks to
solesakuma and
essyllus for the beta and help :)
"Did you ever wish you could fly?"
Chansung felt the cold metal railing against his side. A gentle breeze ran through his hair, and he felt himself leaning with the wind. He kept his feet on the concrete, locking his knees and gripping the floor with curled toes. He squeezed his arms around Wooyoung, anchoring them both to the spot.
Wooyoung leaned forward against Chansung's restraining arms, pressing their combined weights against the thin railing between safety and a two-story free fall. He faced the burning sunset without so much as a squint at the blinding light.
"If I could," he whispered, "I'd fly straight into the sun."
Chansung wrapped his arms tighter around Wooyoung's waist, as if he could contain him with raw strength and will.
"Do you know the story of Icarus, Chansung?"
Chansung shook his head, rubbing his cheek against the back of Wooyoung's neck.
"Icarus was a stupid twat," Wooyoung laughed, short and low. "The moment he gets a chance at freedom, he goes right for the sun."
He held onto Wooyoung and fought the rising vertigo.
"And what does he get for it?" Wooyoung looked up at the wispy clouds drifting slowly towards the horizon.
Chansung swayed on his feet. Wooyoung's eyes never met his, never parted from the disappearing light.
"Sometimes I wonder." Wooyoung closed his eyes, leaning his head back against Chansung's. "What did the sun think as Icarus fell to his death?"
Chansung pressed his face against Wooyoung's shoulder.
"Nothing," Chansung whispered. "The sun probably never even noticed Icarus."
He felt Wooyoung's body sag, leaning against the rail for support. Chansung did his best to hold up their weight. He wasn't sure who supported whom.
"How sad."
"Yeah," Chansung repeated. He stared off into the darkening horizon. The night chill fell on his shoulders. "Poor Icarus."