Explore the Mystery with Detective Conan

Jan 28, 2019 14:55

(comment to be added)

First for your information. this acc going to be a sharing account among this 2 maniac
♫ Chika ♫
♫ Yuuki ♫
Let them introduce themselves, then u can decide weather to befriend with them or not! (^_^)v

Name : CHIKA AMAKUSA [Left-kipper] (next preson in charge)
Bias : Hikaru Yaotome (main) & HSJ
Fav : Cats, numbers, love to pranks ppl, 8
+ve traits : strong will
-ve traits : last min person, egoist
Extra : adopt a sister
iluvchukc , love to fangirling with
shanehorlina , daydreaming with
columbin3  , like to read
tingke2104 's, 
daikinman 's,
lurvelygurl 's and
lovetoosweet  's fics.

Name : YUUKI HOSHINO [Judgement] (only come for DL-ing ARASHI stuff)
Bias : Matsumoto Jun & Ninomiya Kazunari (main) & ARASHI
Fav : doing house chores, being the mother, 1
+ve traits : well-disposed
-ve traits : hard to say 'no' so end up getting bullied
Extra : has a step family consist of step mama 
nikuta   and a step-sister
tsukihoshino who is always end up fighting after 3min talk, a friend of 
purplesayang   and
jearashifan , have a 'lampi' kohai
yunasakura .

despite their difference characters, one thing that they agree of is

if u treat them nice, they'll treat u double nice. If u treat one of them badly, u can jz go 2 Hell

kindly share with us your detail if u want to be added back

♫ Real Name [optional] ♫
♫ Nick name that u want me to call you ♫
♫ Age [optional] ♫
♫ Country ♫ 
♫ Your Ichiban ♫
♫ Your Fandom [eg: ARASHI / YA-YA-YAH / Hey Say JUMP] ♫
♫ other things you'd like to share~♫
thanks for all your cooperation
with chuu ♥ and hugs,
Chika Amakusa / Yuuki Hoshino

"It's easy to be clean on the outside. All you need is soap water and a scrubbing brush. It's harder to be clean on the inside...

last edited : 25 April 2012

*writer : chika, #introduction, *writer : yuuki

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