sdjglasdjfglshgads the picture thou ;/////; *omg just realized how i miss HNA T______T* and damn you're so good pointing that out!!! i was flailing alone in my room when i saw nino chose the purple one >//////< also when Bet de Arashi, those two been left alone klsdjgflkasdgjflaksd T/////T
Comments 6
the picture thou ;/////; *omg just realized how i miss HNA T______T*
and damn you're so good pointing that out!!! i was flailing alone in my room when i saw nino chose the purple one >//////<
also when Bet de Arashi, those two been left alone klsdjgflkasdgjflaksd T/////T
really2 love this couple XD
Anyways I joined the community, hope you don't mind =)
I like the gif where Matsumiya are parents and Oh-chan is ojichan coz thats exactly what went thru my mind when I watched the epi. Hehehe
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