Baby on Board...

Sep 15, 2005 13:59

So I was talking to my mom today, and we were talking about my sister Liz and how big she was getting. (She's pregnant by the way). Then I was thinking about it and, shes due Oct. 12th! Thats like 3 weeks away. Wow, I'm going to be an uncle in about a month! That is crazy. It's weird that I am getting so old, that my sister is having a baby, and I ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

csue September 15 2005, 15:57:36 UTC
so today i took a nap and i had a dream about you. well, it was you and julie and dan, and you were in a talent show. and i was in the audience, and so were sal russo and kellyn. and then for some reason there was a party in a parking garage. no lie!


weirdness matt2n201 September 17 2005, 08:12:31 UTC
really??? weird weird weird. What was our talent?? jumping through hoops of fire? Playing the piccolo? But that is crazy though, dreams are weird


anonymous September 15 2005, 16:18:20 UTC
i thought she was due the 13th?

And, psh, yeah. You ARE getting old...


too_difficult September 15 2005, 16:18:55 UTC
That was me, btw.


matt2n201 September 15 2005, 16:25:32 UTC
Mom said the 12th, im just going by her! Shes getting old though too, so maybe alzheimers is kicking in!


haha anonymous September 15 2005, 17:50:04 UTC
awesome back ground man haha

i enjoy the fall as well

here's to an awesome year

congrats to your sister



Re: haha el_dano September 15 2005, 19:56:57 UTC
yeah, I wonder who could have taken such an amazing photograph?


____allie____ September 16 2005, 13:33:31 UTC
hey, if you ever want anyone to go over your writing, I would love to. that kind of thing is right up me alley.


matt2n201 September 17 2005, 08:08:49 UTC
hahaha right up allie's alley...thats funny. Thanks for the offer. I think it is good for now, but if i need any assistance in this class I'll be sure to pop my head into 216 sometime!


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