
Jan 19, 2005 16:37

I just got a letter from my dad's wife. We found out he lives in Colorado. My dad has emphyzema. He is on Oxygen tanks and inhalers, has been in the hospital 5 times, and isn't expected to live much longer. I never thought I would really care, because I havent talked to him in almost 6 years, but now that I know he is on his death bed ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

nikita_is_cool January 19 2005, 16:57:15 UTC
aww i'm sorry matt, that sucks


matt_isdeprived January 19 2005, 17:00:55 UTC
I guess it sorta looks like I'm looking for sympathy, but I'm not, sorry. Lol, I just wanted to write it all out.


nikita_is_cool January 19 2005, 17:05:43 UTC
haha ok ok


matt_isdeprived January 19 2005, 20:23:32 UTC
*long sigh*


cowprostitue January 19 2005, 21:14:18 UTC
I love you Matt, and here's my theory, everything in life happens for a reason, whether good or bad, and maybe this is something that you're meant to grow from. I love you and i hope everything turns out alright.


pinkflamingo976 January 19 2005, 21:46:24 UTC
I'm sorry about your dad matt, that's really sad :( I agree with cowprostitute though...everything happens for a reason


matt_isdeprived January 20 2005, 16:20:52 UTC
Yeah I guess...

I'm not as sad as i probably should be...

And her name is cowprostitue...not tute.


oh! pinkflamingo976 January 20 2005, 16:30:03 UTC
hahaha, at first glanse i totally thought it was prostitute lol


Re: oh! pinkflamingo976 January 20 2005, 16:32:15 UTC
shit, glance*** lol


i'm sorry... xlotusxelisex January 21 2005, 18:01:22 UTC
i know we're not on the best terms, but i can really relate to what you're going through.

i know you "fucking hate me", but if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm totally here for you.

despite everything.


Re: i'm sorry... matt_isdeprived January 21 2005, 18:09:28 UTC
Go away, dirty whore.


Re: i'm sorry... xlotusxelisex January 22 2005, 13:46:20 UTC
damn straight i'm a whore.

a BONIFIED whore to you, asshole.

and after i tried to be there for you... great character, you have.


Re: i'm sorry... matt_isdeprived January 22 2005, 15:41:41 UTC
Lol, yes bonified. Exactly. Haha. Shut the fuck up bitch and get the point that NOBODY likes you. Quit trying so hard.


biker_girl474 January 22 2005, 13:55:30 UTC
hey matt sorry about your dad. even though i hate mine and think he's a total fuck up i'd still be pretty sad if he was dying. Hope things go well with you ttyl buhbye.


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