It occurs to me that after a few months of posting pictures directly into this bit, it’ll take about 10 years to load on the computers of those poor unfortunates stuck with a 56k dial-up connection. (Like me, say.)
Right, well, assuming the link has worked and you’ve not ended up browsing a DIY website or something, here are some possibly interesting facts I thought you might like to know.
1. Issue six of Bubba the Redneck Werewolf is out now, and should be available from your comic-vendor of choice, so those who fancy seeing what I did during my summer (and Easter) holidays might like to seek out a copy. (Though not all of you will need to, obv.) There will be prizes for the first person to correctly identify all 57 of the in-jokey references I stuck in the background for a laugh.
2. Thanks to the splendid skills of a certain Mr Chris Zawadaki (whom many of you will know), Crazy Lizard Studios now has its very own mailing list to keep you informed about the appearance of new things upon the site. Some of you might question the need for this, since it updates at more or less the same time every two months anyway, but you would be failing to take into account the fact that Things Happening may soon facilitate more frequent updates at irregular times, and also the fact that all Mailing Listers will receive extra drawings and info in their VirtualMailBoxes, which casual visitors WILL NEVER SEE. Ooo, eh?
If you want to sign up, just pop along to the
CL homepage and slot your e-mail address into the aperture provided.
3. The following single-page comic (which is a bit on the cumbersome side, so apologies to non-broadbanders) was drawn on a whim some years ago for excellent British comic The Beano, to see if they’d consider publishing it. They didn’t, as it turned out (although unfortunately-monikered editor Euan Kerr was tremendously encouraging, and sent me an unpublished comic by the real Three Bears artist as a Thank You) - and so it has, until today, remained unseen.
For those who don’t know, The Beano is a weekly comic aimed primarily at children (though it also has a dedicated following among grown-ups who like things that are well-drawn and unapologetically silly, myself included) with a large and varied cast of amusing characters who each occupy their own individual strips. The Three Bears (some of the longest-standing characters of the lot) have always been my favourites, so I thought it’d be fun to come up with a little tribute of my own. Attentive readers will notice that there are actually four bears featured here, but this is because the two in the white vests are just random ursines I came up with for the purposes of this story. The real Three Bears are Pa, Ma (who is absent on this occasion) and Ted, and their time is generally divided between stealing other people’s food and getting into injurious trouble.
The strip was drawn and coloured (using a combination of felt-tipped pens and coloured pencils, hence the slightly gaudy presentation) in less than a week, and for the life of me I still can’t remember how this happened, since I’ll usually work on something for aeons. Possibly I should try doing more of this sort of thing...