We all have things about our friends that make us slightly envious. Not in a bad way, but in a 'Wow! I wish I had that person's hair/eyes/money/relationship/toenails/whatever.'
So tell me what about me makes you envy me. . . then post this in your LJ and see what makes me envious of you.
All is good so far, cant wait for the sos reset got some ideas on charectrs i want to play. Money is on the increase, going back to college in september.
I havent made an update in ages well her i go. Life is good so far. money is steadily on the rise, Cant wait til christmas and then i will have my crossbow. Went to the cinema on sunday with bigrob went to see Narnia which is rather cool. So all in all i'm in a happy mood.
Well today is my birthday so i am very pleased and will hopefully get alot of money. If not then meh. My first campaign went well last night it was off to a shaky start but after that i got into it and everyone seeemed to enjoy it. EVIL CAMPAIGNS ROCK.
Wht does work suck so much. I guess i had a bad day today as my computor kinda exploded in work i got shouted at by my team leader and so on. So all in all an average day for me.