AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I hate this place sometimes! A few weeks ago I mentioned how much it irratates me to be used as a technical referece and then ignored. Well, one of the guys in that group went to training and came back today and said, "Wow, Matt was right about how much that would suck, I was suprised." I could have said I told you
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Comments 4
There are some PhD biggots,
and others that think I was just a student here at some point.
It can be very frustrating.
well, isn't that true? :p
What I attempted to get across was that I am stull treated like a student, because I was one here at some point in the past. It can be like I haven't spent 6 years administrating for them...
i love how they've replaced mediocre employees with their own loyal and even more mediocre employees.
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