I have to say what I find a lot is people saying they need to go out on a certain night because it's their birthday or something, lol, as if adults need a reason to go out. However, Hallowe'en is definitely the one occasion where I fully understand why people do go out particularly on that night. It IS a very interesting and unique party night with all the costumes.
I gave my digital camera to my friend Kelly (not Chartier) to take some pictures of Armani's on Friday so that I could post them here. It was a great night:
This costume I thought was very unique:
Saturday definitely had the greatest variety of unique costumes. There were two pairs of Mario and Luigi as well as a Borat and just all kinds of interesting get-ups, lol.
I love my job at Armani's. It is the best job I've ever had and may ever have for that matter. A couple of girls dressed up as cops went up on the perch I was posted at on Saturday night and said I was under arrest for sexiness. That has to be the cutest line I've heard yet and I've heard them all. I got handcuffed too. And of course I got in trouble for that - again. I love how I was purposely put in the spot where it is the hardest to meet girls and it doesn't change a thing. If I do my job, it shouldn't matter if I talk to one girl or 100. My philosophy is as long as the job gets done, nothing else matters. If a person can do 10 hours of work in one - what's the difference?? The difference is efficiency. I hate these pricks who insist that you should always look busy when you are already doing the job well - like I ALWAYS do, bar none, in every damn thing I do in life. Reminds me of some of the teachers at Hammarskjold. I do my job well, and it would be a shame if I get fired just because girls talk to me when I am still doing my job properly. Yes, I am afraid I will lose the job over silly reasons, but I have a way around this (more on this later). I am very efficient. We should NOT be promoting "work hard", but "work smart" and that is something I have mastered. Sometimes working smart means to work hard - but NOT always. Work hard to the point where you work smart. That's my point.
Oh, and as for IQ, it is very important for sure to succeed in life, but moreso:
The fact remains, there are high school dropouts who out-earn top college graduates. School gives you tools and exposure to concepts and will teach you to think critically or be analytical to some degree. You could get the exact same thing you get at Harvard with a library card and an internet connection. True, the degree will get more doors opened and is a requirement for professional certification positions, but for 95% of us, whether entrepreneurs or 9-to-5'ers, once you start a job your degree or GPA or course load doesn't matter. Your ability to produce, earn, adapt, and see opportunities and handle yourself in situations is all that matters. So IQ doesn't matter, because "winning" at life isn't based entirely on book smarts, but moreso your ability to adapt to every unique situation.
Muscle rant
Every night I work is another experiment in social psychology to me. I had more girls grabbing all parts of me last weekend than any other time. Why? Simply because being hidden in a mask or makeup allows a person to not have to own up to the social inappropriateness of the action. It is somehow inappropriate to grab some pecs. Shit, I say grab some delts while you're at it too, LOL. I am sick of these social constructs. We as human beings are nothing more than lumbering piles of DNA. Then again, maybe that type of behaviour would offend some people. Men and women alike are both just animals. The difference is that women are encouraged to follow these ludicrous social constructs where with men - nature wins (I stole this point from Dana). I always find it funny when a girl says she doesn't have sex or something because "I'm not like that." Not like what? Not a human being? Oh - they mean not one to risk avoiding a BS social norm in fear of getting judged by the conservative nutjobs who created such norms to begin with. Got it. I have some info for you: if you are a human being, you ARE like that, period - male or female. Hey, wanting to have sex is normal. It's a need like any other. It is tied closely with self esteem so I don't think throwing it around all the time is necessarily a good thing, but neither is purposely doing the opposite. Both the liberals and conservatives have some points which are utterly retarded. Let's intelligently lean to the left or to the right on an individual basis depending on the situation.
Just a point: there is a misconception I sometimes hear which is that muscle does not equate to strength or that bodybuilders are not strong. Bodybuilders today ingest full pharmacies and are probably not healthy, but they most definitely are strong. It is possible to look very healthy on the outside, but not be so healthy on the inside. But it is not possible to be incredibly muscular without being at least somewhat strong. However, you can be moderately built like I am and still be strong. But there is more to strength than muscle alone, e.g., placement of joints and bones, angles and speed of repetition and distance travelled (related to length of limbs). I want to be: healthy, strong, fit, and look good. In that order, but they are all important to me. But these are not just showy muscles!
That is 495 pounds Peter is using in the last video!! Even budging that a single millimetre requires incredible strength.
I like that my healthy lifestyle reflects in how I look. Just as those who abuse drugs and don't eat a lot of food end up looking skinny and gaunt, you can tell what kind of lifestyle I lead in the entirety of my physicality. And I like that - it means what I'm doing is working. Further, I want my physical strength to be directly related to my mental strength and strength of character. That is important to me.
Now, take special note of the second video. Yep, you are in for another social psychology experiment. What you may have missed were the people in the background. To the left you see a couple of guys who were working out who stopped to watch me deadlift. But what's more is the cute blonde on the left who put her workout on pause to watch me. When that happens I like to say "I'm done with this now, did you want to use it for a set?" Always good for a giggle. I know all the lines too, ha! I will never take for granted the attention from women muscle garners - never. Muscle holds a place very dear to my heart. It will always be an important part of my life and if you know me, expect to hear about bodybuilding related things from me. Of course I could live without it, but I wouldn't want to.
I am definitely a suck for cuddly dogs. This is my friend's dog, who is also a suck, lol.
Some in my demographic would never be caught dead in a picture with a cuddly dog. Not manly enough I guess. See - men have to face social constructs too which are just as stupid as the ones imposed on women (more on this later!).
On Saturday, Alex and friends went as the cast of Saved by the Bell.
What do you make of this?
STOP THE PRESS. Who is that sexy girl with Alex and why isn't her hand on my face? LOL.
Issues of Health
I am pleased to report that on Tuesday I got a call from TBMC Diagnostic saying that I could come in for the ultrasound of my heart due to a cancellation. I was previously told that late November or early December would be my likely time slot. This was my final test after the cardiac stress test and chest X-RAY. Everything so far is excellent. Briefly: my diastolic blood pressure is in fact a bit too low. I'm trying to dig up research on this, but from what I can tell, low forties is a low measurement. I'm trying to pinpoint exactly what the normal range is since opinions on this tend to vary. My mom was right about that and was not just making assumptions. Or maybe she did assume, but did so accurately. Everything else is in the normal range. My heart muscle is on the higher end of the normal range in terms of thickness which could either always have been that way, or due to years of resistance training with heavy weights. My heart is showing no abnormalities though, and is of normal size, so all of my athletic endeavors didn't result in any enlargement. Imagine if I found out it was three times the normal size or something - wow. I feel sorry for chronic cocaine users - they are in for a rude awakening should they ever choose to get a scan done.
Scans like this can save your life. A scan like this WOULD have saved John Ritter's life. Take care of the one person in life who matters the most - you won't regret it.
PS - Linda is very brave. Ignore anything she may be doing wrong and pat her on the back!! No criticisms because all she deserves right now is praise (more on this later).