Copied from LD Forums posts
Due to my natural hereditary instinct to save money, I didn't go to the release party. Not many people I knew could go anyways.
Almost every spoiler was fake! I was quite happy when Hermione lived :D
Now, I practically an emotional wreck reading this book. I was up till six rereadinf HBP, and I slept a mere hour and a half in my awaiting of the next novel. I woke up with a blistering fucking headache and went and got the book reading as I walked. I ate cereal and shut myself in my room, only coming out to get cookies and a freezie part-way through, or to get the phone into my room.
I read, from around 10 AM to 8 PM nearly uninterupted, save a good amount of time I slept because I literally could not keep my eyes open without blistering pain, and the aformentionned trips out of the room.
Now, I haven't been a Potter fan as long as many of you have. I admit I only picked up the books (or ANY book for that matter) after I had seen the movie. It has been quite a ride since then. I have grown more and more attached the characters. I was on the verge of tears so many times during this book, I was becoming sick from hunger and sweat and sickness and headache, but I read on. I was desperate to know what happened. And when I finished? I felt finality.
JK Rowling is by my word a storytelling genius. Marvel at the corniness and appeal to fangirls as you may, I'm absolutely sure that she is not a "complete sellout" and she wanted to end the series on a happy note. And I commend her for her bravery, because she obviously expected that kind of criticism. In my opinion, the story was winded down perfectly, and now, it feels done.
Am I sad? Of course. But it's not like my entire life revolves around Harry and his wizard pals, though I'm glad to know they're living happy lives.
More thoughts; I'll likely keep adding these as I think of them
*Judging on his performances in past movies, I have a feeling I will loathe D-Rad's portrayal of Harry especially in this one. His acting style has always infuriated me
*I hope another Dumbledore comes along. As satisfying as it would be to watch Michael Gambon die, I couldn't imagine him delivering any of Dumbledore's serene speeches still present after his death.
I'm starting to hear complaints from a fair few amount of people. Skipping over the acceptable ones for the epilogue (Which I stand by, but I disgress..)
Honestly. How about YOU try writing the finale to a fucking reading phenomenon. You can't? That's what I thought, naysayers. I think the fact that much of it turned out like some people have predicted is not due to her "selling out" as people say, but due to her WANTING to end the series that way, and just having some particularily smart fans. Honestly, some of the accusations I'm hearing are fucked.
And as for more stories in the HP universe, only if they're spinoff books like "Fantastic Beasts" for charity. I'd love to see books loaded with spells used throughout the series.
Also, Molly's kill of Bellatrix and use of the word "Bitch" is the most satisfying thing. Ever.