Happy 50th anniversary of artificial satellites! On October 4th, 1957, Sputnik I was launched by the Soviet Union. It sparked tensions between the US and USSR because of fears of nuclear missiles from space.
It changed the world forever. For 4 billion years, the earth had one moon. Suddenly, it had a tiny artificial one.
RIP Perry DeAngeles I feel like I've lost a very dear friend. Even though we never met, your unending humor, stubbornness, and monkey-obsessed antics made me feel like we could have been really good pals. I'm saddened that I never got a chance to meet you. SGU won't be the same without you, man.
so I'm hitting the stumble! button on the internets, and I find this website called sternest meanings. Basically it's a chat bot that responds with an anagram of what you just said. It's interesting to me, at least. ( Here goes! )
hey everyone who reads this. I was going through my computer and generally cleaning it out when I stumbled on this old playlist I made that I was going to burn to a CD for Kaitlin's idea ( http://new-wave-witch.livejournal.com/142603.html ) way back when. Actually, technically, I
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