(no subject)

May 10, 2006 23:44


I <3 Abel. I went to the orphanage trying not to have favourites, but he's just the coolest and best kid in the world. If I could, logically, adopt him and keep him forever, I would! He's rubbish at checkers, since he could never beat me - even when I tried to let him win. At the start of every day, he always pretended to be sad, so I'd come over to him and talk to him 1on1. He's a brilliant dancer, as the many videos I have of him prove. But he's a right little bruiser too. The video of him dancing, threatening to punch a girl and carrying on just cracks me up. I just want to cuddle him. He's also amazing at slaps, and can pull a proper slap. He's going to be a troublemaker at school, you can just tell. When I got him his present, he came up to me running the next day, hugged me and said "I haven't lost it yet!". Doesn't he look like he'd make a great Bugsy Malone too? He looks cuter with the shaved head, which I've got videos of him. Also, when he was listening to my iPod, I caught him listening to Will Young which deserves major love. He's also obsessed with Lion King. <3 Abel <3

Still got to find a picture of Edbert, but I have one somewhere. He was in my schoolbus on the way home, and such a cheeky little fucker. He told me my hand smelt of petrol, so I sniffed it and he pushed it into my face. I got him back with the same trick later on. He was always tickling me in the back of the bus. He is obsessed with reggaeton and knows every lyric to Daddy Yankee. He invited me back to his to play Playstation, and offer which due to not wanting to look like a paedo, I couldn't accept. He also invited me to see Daddy Yankee in concert, an offer I wish that I could now take up. Reggaeton is just proper cool. He looked really dapper on my last day, with his hair spiked up.


I <3 Kevin. Look at him in the background, doesn't he just look like trouble? During a talk about Dengue Fever, he was crawling around the playground on his hands and knees. His attention span lasts for less than mine, which is great to find. He's so cheeky and always playing. He cracks me up laughing. On my last day, when the whole school were performing, he just stood up, walked over to the side, picked up a plantpot and came over and presented it to me.


Don't you just want to pinch his cheeks? Aysha agrees, since she's given him the cuteness seal of approval. Little Ivan can do that thing where you run up walls and do a backflip. Albeit he did it in the middle of one of my lessons, it's very badass. Also, on his birthday, he brought me a present which was really sweet. But then I found out that he's never had a present in his life, so I got really unhappy. He also drew me a picture of me looking grumpy. I remember exactly why, it was during Jeremý's boring as hell lesson and I just sat looking bored. At Chiminike, he was chasing me around the climbing frame like a monkey. Also, the world's cutest laugh. It's like the giggle you'd expect from a little baby girl. I love it.


He's such a good little boy, that Jesus. He always came up to me in the mornings, patted me on my leg, waved, and then went to put his bag on the back of his chair only then to return to give me a great big hug. He always got upset in lessons when my lesson plan just fell apart and the lesson turned into anarchy. He also gave me a sloppy (okay, it wasn't) kiss on my last day. He's a cool little dude, and at Chiminike Museum, he kept rushing back to me inviting me to take part in the activities.


One of the female volunteers said it best when they said "She's so photogenic, I hate her!" and it's true, she's stunning! We called each other "rumpe" which is Norweigan for bum - since I was mature enough to ask Mari (Norweigan volunteer) what rude words are in her language, and Zuleiki picked up on it. She was the first person who came up to us and spoke to us, and from that moment on was the sweetest little girl. She was trying to set me up with Mari all the time.

Tickle Gang

Nefi, the dopey one in the middle, was the ringleader of the group. Every morning, they came up to me and brutally assaulted me via the medium of tickling. And with their little hands, it's even worse, since it's more ticklish. Hector, bottom left, kept coming up and pretending to hug me before tickling me. I never won these battles, alas, since I have just two hands and could not get them all at once. Alejandro, who isn't in this picture, always got really scared of being tickled. And he cried on my last day, since he didn't think I was leaving. :(

Kenneth & Brandon

Brandon's on the left, and Kenneth's on the right. These cheeky twosome were my brothers in Honduras. The weekends was like Playstation time, which was absolutely fabulous. I was really improving at NBA 2006, scoring loads of 3-pointers. Also I kept beating Brandon at FIFA 2005, which was great since Josh always beats me, and it was nice to win for a change. I went to see K play basketball, and he's damn good, but they didn't win, so he cried which was a very sad sight. He also made me tuna canellone pasta, and tried to get me tickets for Honduras/El Salvador basketball.


No matter what you tin people think, I still retain that Carlos is infact the cutest child on earth. Look at him, he's just so adorable. Hah, in the transport lesson, he was a legend. He suggested submarine, 'on foot', tractor amongst many other silly suggestions, and came up to me at the end of the lesson all sad because I didn't choose any of his. And he gave me a kiss on my last day, he's going to be such a little heart breaker when he's older. He cried on my last day.


It wasn't actually his name, since I didn't quite know it. I'm sure I was told it, but it just always slipped from my mind. But he always wore these red sunglasses, so I just called him gafas (glasses in Spanish) which he responded too. He cried on my last day, which was really sad. He's got the saddest sad face ever. When Jeremy's mum came in, she said "Aww, look at his face." He always shouted "I'm finished!" in perfect English during my lessons, so I went over, and he had always done fuck all. Cheeky little scamp.

Pablo & Eduardo

I love these two, since they reminded me of myself and Josh. They both called me Machecho, which they found hilarious, as did the rest of the playground, so I called them Pachecho and Edchecho. It wasn't a very strong comeback, but it worked. They never did any work in lessons, were always out of their seats fighting or finding some other way to get out of doing their work. And when I told them off, and said they weren't getting a star, they went up to the board and wrote "Give Eduardo and Pablo a star because they are good" which is totally something Josh and I would do. They were annoying as hell, but I love 'em.


It's pronounced Ho-sway, not Joe-suey. (Which Jeremy insisted was his name and called him for three weeks!) Giosue told me a secret in the back of the school bus, he found Jeremy's lessons boring. So that's when the survey started about who was more popular: me or Jeremy. I won, resoundingly. It was always left to me and him to be last in the school bus, so everyday we went through the rituals of "You're last" "No, you're last." He also gave me flu and drew me my name in Chinese writing. He has a swimming pool at his house. I'm not jealous >_>

Just to remind me: Isobel, Ana Marsela and Elvin to come.
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