"Let's go get the shit kicked out of us by love"

Aug 18, 2005 21:07

I was hoping we could talk about our feelings today. Sort of. I want to talk about a couple of feelings--not all of them. There are five basic human emotions ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

ramzour August 19 2005, 16:21:23 UTC
You can't just blame heredity on your "temper". You are not forced to continue the same paths that your parents did. No one makes you adopt a habit but yourself. If you don't want a temper then try not getting mad about things, try not punching things when you're mad, try not to blame it on the blood that runs to the swollen fist after you break it. I'm not saying it's easy to break a habit. I'm saying if you don't like it, then do something about it. If you want to complain about how you inherited dark hair or something, then blame your genes. But not even your passion for guitar is an automatic gift from birth, though it may poetic to talk about it that way.

Until then, I'll meet you in Heaven.


matthewstryker August 19 2005, 20:33:00 UTC
You're absolutely right, of course.


ksmeyer23b August 19 2005, 16:31:27 UTC
Life without love/romance would be pretty dull. It would also be pretty painless, too, though. Catch 22.

This was an insightful entry, to say the least, but I'm not sure the broad spectrum of human emotion can be grouped into five categories. Where does remorse fit? Pity (which is not the same as love-fueled sympathy)? Anxiety? Shock/trauma? Is it your contention that these others are products of the blending of the five you mentioned, that they fall under the five, or that they are independent yet not "major" enough to make the list?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to attack your standpoint--merely elucidate it, that's all.


ksmeyer23b August 19 2005, 16:32:00 UTC
Well, maybe I am. Heh.


matthewstryker August 19 2005, 20:40:41 UTC
Oh, no, I totally get your argument. I'm not saying that these five are the only emotions there are, or that everything else is a sub-set of these five broad categories. These are the basics: happy face, sad face, angry face, scared face, and-- I don't know, maybe one of these? <3 I guess.

If I were to cover the full range of human emotion, I'd need a much longer journal entry. And maybe a PHD. ;)


ramzour August 19 2005, 22:06:20 UTC
You almost have all of them. Actually, there are SEVEN basic emotion types, as displayed through facial expression:
1) Anger
2) Disgust
3) Fear
4) Happiness
5) Sadness
6) Surprise
7) Contempt

Even more amazing, these are culturally universal emotional expressions. Regardless of race or culture, these seven expressions convey the same seven emotions. Pretty cool I think. (Culture & Psychology, Matsumoto/Juang 2004)


justbbg August 19 2005, 22:00:07 UTC
"Lately, I've been learning a lot of new lessons about love. Al and I recently watched "When Harry met Sally," which I have never seen in its entireity. Billy Crytal has a great line at the end: "when you figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." I get that. "

I told you "when harry met sally" had some damn good dialog.

Congrats on being it love and embrace it for as long and hard as you can, it is the best place in your life to be in...glad you are finally happy =)


matthewstryker August 19 2005, 22:37:22 UTC
Thankyou. =)


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