I really don't know what to say about what happened to Minister Shacklebolt, except that this must be awful for everyone and his family especially, but that doesn't really seem to capture how serious and sad this whole thing is, does it? And Dad says that Mum's really worried about us right now, and of course she's hearing all sorts of awful rumours from everyone at the Leaky Cauldron and it's hard to know what's true and what's not, and I hope she and Peter are all right because Dad and me are probably much safer here at Hogwarts than she is over there, but then again, Mum's strong enough to take care of herself and -- Dad says he'll let me know if he hears anything new about it, but then again, I don't know how if I'm supposed to stay in my dormitory for now and he has to stay with the Gryffindors.
This probably isn't the right time to talk about this, but who would want to do something like this? I really hope it wasn't a Death Eater even though they're all supposed to be dead or in gaol now like they should be, but it could be, right? Or someone acting in their name? Doesn't that sort of thing happen every once in awhile? Did that
description in the Daily Prophet sound familiar to anyone? I really hope they catch whoever did this, and I'm sure the Aurors will. I guess this is the sort of thing my grand-parents would have -- I mean, I guess we don't know for sure yet about how it happened, but it doesn't sound like it was natural, does it?
How is everyone else holding up right now?