I never gave too much thought about Heifer International, until recently, reading a few criticisms of their work. Many of them are along the lines of "Why donate things that are just going to be slaughtered?" and "Meat is a really terrible way to solve hunger." These criticisms seem to suck, for a few reasons. One is that HI's work isn't, "Here's a
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Comments 3
And for lack of a better word, there are "first world" ideas going into "third world" countries. Places in Africa do not farm like we do here (thank god). There isn't as much monoculture and there is a lot of people who are subsistence farming.(I am speaking of my own experience of people in Tanzania since I was just there)
Almost everyone has chickens. Not chickens in pens, but just sorta roaming around that are used for eggs then eaten. A lot of people have 1 or 2 goats and there are cows here and there. It's not like people are shipping cattle farms over there.
I think that the notion that killing something else for food is inherently cruel is a load of bullshit.I also agree. Esp. in other cultures. The idea of not eating meat is just not something that exists in the African cultures I have experienced. If you dont eat meat, it's because you can't afford it not because you're doing some internal good for all ( ... )
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