(Yes, that picspam)
KAREN: Amy's bed is amazing! It's got like two mattresses on it and it's really high and it's kind of like old and cool.
And I love the blue and that was Adam's idea[...] And it sort of symbolises the colour of the TARDIS and Amy's love for the Doctor.
MATT: Hi! No one cares about your silly bedroom.
KAREN: throws pillow at him
MATT: It's interesting. You don't often find them in a bedroom, sat on a bed and chilling out. Usually they're being ...
KAREN: Yeah.
MATT: ... chased by an Angel or a Silurian or something, you know?
KAREN: Yeah. And we're just kind of having a normal conversation... uhm.
MATT: impersonating Karen A normal conversation.
KAREN: elbows him Shut up! That's how I talk! Let me, let me do that again. We're just having a normal conversation breaks out in laughter...
We're just having a normal conversation...
MATT: impersonating her again We're just having a normal conversation!
KAREN: Will you shut up?
And you know, without the fear of death which is really nice and refreshing for us to do.
KAREN: It's a light hearted scene, it's at the end of episode five and Amy decides to come onto the Doctor. And it's, err... and he's completely oblivious in the beginning, so it's quite funny.
MATT: Yeah. Let's hope so.
KAREN: As funny as he gets.
MATT: It's true.
KAREN: Yeah and ... err, and then they have a little smoochy!
MATT: Ooooh. So we call it
MATT + KAREN: Smoochy-schmoochy time!
KAREN: Oh yeeeah.
MATT: Alright, that's enough.
ADAM SMITH: When we rehearsed for the wide [shot], Karen actually, subconsciously put her hand on Matt's inner thigh.
MATT: Subconsciously.
KAREN: Urgh.
ADAM SMITH: And denied it afterwards. But it was on, it was on camera, wasn't it?
KAREN: Oh God!
ADAM SMITH: You were lost in the moment, weren't you?
MATT: You were! I seduced you!
KAREN: You didn't seduce-- owww.
MATT: And you know, come on. Listen, you know. The Doctor, 900 years...
ADAM SMITH: They've been through a tough time and they've been trough big, big adventures, weren't they?
KAREN: Yeah.
MATT: So, why does that make her wanna kiss him?
KAREN: Cos they've shared something together!
MATT: Cos she's seen him at his best and she was gonna die...
KAREN: And it's also like... sometimes you do things in the heat of the moment, maybe--
MATT: She does! Amy Pond.
KAREN: Yeah, she thoroughly does. Uhm, I don't know. When you're like excited and you shared something with someone and...
MATT: impersonates her again
KAREN: know. Will you stop?
ADAM SMITH: And he hasn't tried it on yet!
KAREN: YEAH! And Amy can't understand why this man hasn't tried it on yet.
Thanks for your time.