The last few years have shown a re-emergence of something I've always loved... that midwestern 90s emo sound. It's not surprising I fell in love with this sound. It takes the energy and aggression of punk rock, adds the quirkiness of post-hardcore, and takes the braininess of the best indie rock bands. Plus, that twinkly guitar sound just sounds so pretty and when you mix it with loud guitars, it just makes the perfect rock song. The sound got exploited and distorted and the early 2000s brought unwanted attention and bad versions of this sound. Aside from Jimmy Eat World, none of those bands stuck around. Probably because the musicians couldn't handle the stigmas and wanted to try doing other things with their lives. Starting in 2008 or so, there has been a lot of bands who've found inspiration in this sound, particularly with the Kinsella brothers and Cap'n Jazz.
So I want to share some of my favorites with you. All these records are from this year with the exception of Arrows' album. They have another one coming out in August and I stumbled onto them by accident. I have provided links for all these records and you should download them for your ipods, but be nice and buy the records. They look really pretty and since vinyl has also seen a re-emergence, everyone will think you're wonderful for helping out the economy.
I'll start chronologically: (pictures are big, so I cut this)
Castevet - The Echo and the Light
These guys are perhaps the nicest boys I've met in a long, long time. I'd asked them if they wanted to stay with me on tour because I had loved their record, Summer Fences, so much. They were so nice and we had delicious pizza. Gracious, kind, warm, and funny and all the things that remind me of friends back home. They played to 30 people in the coldest night I've ever experienced. The band couldn't feel their fingers and there was no heat in a warehouse that was literally 36 degrees. Even if I didn't know these guys, this album is amazing. Twinkly guitars, strained vocals, and lots of perfect dynamic changes. They get a lot of comparisons for Small Brown Bike and American Football. If you know me, this isn't surprising that I love it. Plus, look at how beautiful that artwork is. Everyone Everywhere - L.P.
This is another band I've tried to befriend because I love this album so much. We even had mexican food and saw Cap'n Jazz together. They released the whole album on an "mp3" tour on different blogs which is such a cool idea. They have gotten better with every release. This sounds like Piebald and the Promise Ring if they had babies. The lyrics are great and very sing-along like. I went to see them in my neighborhood but the show had moved. I was bummed and thought I'd miss my chance, but I found the show and went by myself. No one else wanted to go... at all. When I watched them, I suddenly realized that I was the only person there to see them. There were 3 other mutual friends sitting in the back not paying attention but it was just me. That's how our friendship started. I love this record. Castevet/Into It. Over It. - Snack Town Split
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Not even out yet. This is just as amazing as the e.p. The songs are even more catchy and I can't stop listening. And isnt that a cool homage to Saves the Day. I don't even like much of "Through Being Cool" but whatever. Look at all the candy on the floor of the cover. Actually that's on the back, but whatever. I'm waiting on my own vinyl copy to come in the mail. I've been meaning to listen to Into It. Over It. for a while but I haven't yet. This makes me pretty excited to though since the guy did such a good job with his two songs. Get it cheap kids. Arrows - Modern Art & Politics
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This sounds pretty good. Maybe a little repetitive but also really sweet. It's like Mineral with less whiny vocals than Chris Simpson. Someone compared him to Bruce Springsteen but I don't really hear the comparison. It's more hushed and deeper and more rich than Mineral vocals. The rhythm section is really good. "Surely not? Afraid So" might be my favorite track right now. Since it's hard to buy, I won't feel so bad about you stealing this one. Please enjoy kids. I don't even know who is still reading this. But if you're looking for good "emo" and need a connection to what's going on in todays music then start here. This style is still relevant, it just needed a booster shot.
I'd be more than glad to make someone a mix tape of "emo" bands that are playing today that don't have stupid swoopy hair. These aren't those goth bands that are running around pretending that the only emotions and fun people have are when they talk about depressing things. Depressing songs are great but so are ones that celebrate the loneliness as a way to learn and grow. That was dumb. These songs are fun.