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Oct 12, 2004 23:30

Ive decided to write my 'friends' an email to let them know how Ive been feeling the past month, what do you guys think ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

toniarachelle October 13 2004, 00:00:26 UTC
That sounds good!! I hope you all get everything worked out!! *hugs*


mattrocks October 13 2004, 13:58:46 UTC
thanks hun


jfacsbabyangel October 13 2004, 13:31:44 UTC
Thats really good.. I wish I could muster up the courage to do something like that :( *claps* Good for you :)


mattrocks October 13 2004, 14:00:14 UTC
thanks hun i hope i get a response


imacutie October 13 2004, 20:34:27 UTC
I think it should go more like

Dear "friends",

I'm way cuter then you and you're not worth my time. Piss off!

Love Tiffany

Seriously though, what you wrote was great. I hope they actually respond and take you seriously. If not, feel free to use my version. :P


mattrocks October 13 2004, 20:45:40 UTC
they havent responded yet and if they dont I will use your version:)


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