For those who care to read

Oct 19, 2004 21:28

What should I do ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

moochar October 19 2004, 21:36:20 UTC
Well, first question you need to ask yourself is if he acts like this with more than you. If he is flirty with everyone, he could just be flirty. If the answer is no, I would just bring up a girlfriend. I try to be a bit sneeky about it. I'll be talking about something I like & then make a comment like, "Think your girlfriend would like it?" That way you find out if he is single or not. Cheesy, but it works. lol


mattrocks October 20 2004, 20:13:32 UTC
Thats a great idea now I just have to think of a way to slyly bring it up


imacutie October 19 2004, 22:45:00 UTC
If you find out, let me know would ya? I'm in a similar situation. lol


mattrocks October 20 2004, 20:15:52 UTC
*slaps you with the pogo stick* WHAT GOOD ARE YOU!!!!!!!!lol


toniarachelle October 20 2004, 00:05:54 UTC
Is he really flirty with everyone else?? Like Char says bring up a girlfriend and see what he says.


mattrocks October 20 2004, 20:20:16 UTC
He flirst with other girls but not as much as he does with me. I think the reason he flirts with me more and less with the other girls is because they all have wedding rings, I dont.


mattrocks October 20 2004, 20:21:31 UTC
I just remebered, I dont think he has a girlfriend because last week I overheard one of the nurses saying she was trying to hook him up with a girl


cuntine October 20 2004, 09:10:48 UTC
Definitely consider if he's flirty with everyone else. If he is, then I'd be cautious. If he isn't, then why not ask him for coffee or something casual that's not really a date. Then you can find out more about him and figure out if he has a girlfriend and all that good stuff.


mattrocks October 20 2004, 20:23:47 UTC
Girl you dont believe how badly I wanna do that but Im extremely shy and I just want him to ASK me out:(


bitemecow October 20 2004, 16:39:12 UTC
I want to be a RN,
whatever you do good luck your a knockout anyway:)


mattrocks October 20 2004, 20:24:52 UTC
aww thank you *hugs*


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