I wonder how long I'll be able to hang onto these pictures? Oh well.
Haha, yeah. Btw, you all should listen to that Brian Regan CD that my sister has. At least, those of you who are in S.F.
Anywayz. Turkey day was fun. I made Kevin's day by having Katherine talk to him. It was pretty funny. All of a sudden Katherine said, "Kebin?" And then she's picked up my phone and said it again. So I called Kevin and had her talk to him for a bit. It was pretty funny. Had a lot of food that made me REALLY sleepy. Played a lot of video games with my cousin Tyler. Kicked his butt, but he's only eleven, I believe, so that's nto much a triumph. Oh well...
If you don't read my buddies lj posts, (probably cuz you're not her "friend") you should read this one.
So last night was interesting. Of all people, Erik actually posed a question that made me think. He made the statement that girls are always dishonest, or at least cushion everything they say. He challenged me to think of something that would refute that, and sadly it is the next day and I still can't think of anything. At least anything of importance. Somehow I think girls in general care too much about tact to say some things. Funny thing is that the person I am most honest with, is also probably the one I keep the most from. So I feel weird saying this, but I think Erik is actually right.
Anywayz, three more weeks of hell/fun. Guess I'll just go on doing what I've been doing: Playing a bunch of video games and hanging with my friends while ignoring my homework and have it magically get done.