la la la la.. SMTAAAATYMAAAAAAL IS A CAAAAAT on a mat with a rat called SPLAT! and Sarah is a princess with a kitten called mittens! hahahahah AND NO i have not heard of this Vidiot u are speaking of! ALLALALALALALALASLASLASLLALALALA i have gone insane... INSANE FROM SUGAR AND PISSED OFFNESS AND BOREDNESS AND BLA BLA BLA BLA BLAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ok normal! yeh so there was a monkey and his name was George and he climbed a tree and the tree broke and it fell on Matt and he cried and the he laughed and then he cried again coz he laughed at himself then he laughed for crying at himself for laughing and then he cried for laughing at himself crying about himself luaghgin about himself....... AND SO ON!... can u do a comment count?! i wanna see if im winning! I THINK I AM seeing as thought ive comment on like all of ur entries! ahahahhahahahahaahhahahaha i just read the entry that i wrote wen i knew ur password! hahaha wat a cool cool entry! so yeh incase ur wondering why ive gona all silent on msn.. THIS IS WHY
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ah so sweet, i randoly remmeber it today, reminded me of the show 'the ferals' that rocked aswell, like when rattis had that thing that copied stuff, and he made money, so cool
Comments 10
Do you remember Big Square Eye? I miss that show.
Hang on, was vidiot the music video game show?
I remember a drawing of a house with lots of people in it.
The answer was CROWDED HOUSE!
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