
May 27, 2004 22:52

went to the beach today...got a tan..kinda. my ear is now a big gauge....it hurts. did it in two days.ouch so yeah... jeesh needs a date to prom. that sucks.i am single and i hate it. and collage in like 3 months got me scared....thats right im scared. but im going to go now cause my ear is killing me.
the narratior
matt c

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Comments 2

huzzah anonymous May 28 2004, 16:57:58 UTC
jeesh has a date to prom thx. :-)
stealing signs is for bad kids. i'll help next time.


xxdriftwoodxx May 29 2004, 15:48:24 UTC
aww im sure you'll find one! you just have to look around


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