Also reviews for the latest episodes of Superman & Lois, and Naomi.
Scream 3
This is underrated. Speaking as someone who didn't used to like it much. Yeah, the script isn't as strong as the first two (Kevin Williamson didn't write it) but it did a few things that I think made the movie feel necessary and worthwhile.
The first thing was for Sid to scream at Roman that he's a killer because he chooses to be, and that he should take a little effing responsibility in his life. I love the rare occasions in fiction where a character tries to get another character to take responsibility for their own poor behavior. In a horror movie to the killer? I adore it.
I also really thought it was cool that Sid worked as a hotline operator for a crisis center. That is a good place to put her. I also like the ending where Sid walks away from the open door smiling, which says that fear will no longer rule her life. It felt right.
The truth is, the jokes in the film were not as biting or meta (especially by only giving Randy one posthumous scene) and I wasn't ever scared either. But I feel like the movie took extra pains to have emotional resonance and make things matter a little bit more. I know there are future sequels, but this would have been a good stopping point.
My impression was favorable. ***1/2.
Superman & Lois "Tried And True"
That was something.
I thought it was really cool that his boss was reading Henderson the riot act for basically wrecking the government's relationship with Superman. I can't reconcile that with the fact that she must have signed off on arresting Superman for treason at the end. Who is that going to help? I sincerely hope Henderson is only a Season 2 problem. He's getting on my nerves.
Speaking of which, I'm as annoyed at Jonathan as Jordan is. That's goes for Lois's frustration at Lucy too.
Sam Lane is going to have to do a LOT of work next week. I think a great deal of the decision of Clark's fate will be down to his advocacy.
My favorite scene in the episode was Lana talking to Clark in the diner and asking him (of all things) if he'd leave Lois if she cheated on him. It's a ridiculous idea, which is why I was so interested to hear Clark's take. And him saying it would depend on the circumstances, and that he'd need to know the details before he decided was a refreshingly adult opinion that I understand completely why Lana took seriously.
I don't blame Lana for making the decision with Kyle she did at the end. But if I had learned the same information she did, I probably would have made the opposite decision. If that makes me a sap, or too forgiving, I won't disagree. But my perspective here is that Kyle put a LOT of recent strain on his family and marriage already, and was working on it. Learning he was an even bigger scumbag than you thought in hindsight doesn't change that fact. The truth is if I were Lana, I would have left him already. If I hadn't, this wouldn't have been the breaking point for me. But again, it's understandable that it was. What a great scene between her and Clark. Stuff like that is why I love this show.
They seem to have forgotten she's running for mayor. I hope they actually ignore and drop that plotpoint. Or at least have her drop out of the race.
Fine episode. ****.
Naomi "Homecoming"
I never trusted Bell, and think Naomi was a fool for going back to her. Her instantly confronting Naomi over being an alien crossed over the line from suspicious, to outright uncool, and even vulgar. I don't exactly trust Zumbado, but I certainly always trusted him more than Bell. I instantly disliked her.
I heard Zumbado is the villain in the comics. It sounds to me like his portrayal on the TV show will be a lot more nuanced. I theorized in my review of the Pilot that he'd turned out to be her biological father, and although that theory hasn't been close to disproven, I still now think they will probably go in a different direction. If her parents weren't already in on the secret, it would make a bit more sense for the long-term arc of the show. Since they already are, that specific reveal would have less weight than it might otherwise have, which is why I'm leaning away from the theory. If it were true, they'd be taking steps to play it up for maximum conflict, not making it easier to deal with.
I love the sign in the bar reading "Act human". I totally believe that's a thing on Earths with superpowers.
Nathan pointing out to Anthony that maybe he actually knew something about his people's history being erased may be my favorite thing ever.
The one thing in the episode that made me groan was Anabelle's reaction to the X-Ray Vision. She asks Naomi if she could see inside her, and if she could, is her heart getting enough iron? Geez, dummy, even if she could, how is she supposed to be able to tell that? She's not a doctor. Dumb TV character is TV dumb.
I liked it, but think Naomi is a bit TV dumb herself for ever trusting Bell. ***1/2.