Yesterday I was super excited to go to the beach. But all my excitement disapeared when I saw a huge jellyfish on the shore. I guess my new swimsuit will have to wait for the new occasion.
On Tuesday I'm going to movies with someone I just met on line. This is so much me. And if he won't show up, I would go to watch "You Don't Mess With the Zohan" by myself. I will. Anyway, he sounds like a nice person, so wish me luck.
I hate this feeling. When you want something but don't know that. When you just want to talk to somebody, but the closest person near you is your roommate, who sits all day in her close room. When it's weekend but you have to study. I really do, but I spent all day long watching movies.
Well done Mr. Aragones, because right now it's going to take long time until I'm even going to consider to forgive you. I still feel the ticking of my heart when Iker lifted the trophy. And no, I don't hate him. Just you, Mr. Aragones