Goddammit. I just want to punch someone in the fucking face. My computer doesn't have internet anymore. Idek. I just want to roundhouskick the shit out of technology. FUCK. So I guess no sims for a while. A long while.
So ummm hey. Yeaaaah. I just kinda ignored livejournal for the past, what is it.. months? Tumblr got to me. Yeah, I jumped on THAT band wagon
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Installing showtime! Yaay! Tiptoehappiness said that EA got lazy, but I went ahead and bought it anyways! I'm taking a break from the Zippers to post some spam, so consider yourself warned... >:)
Heyyy guys, Just wanted to give you all a heads up. SO I finally downloaded 7-Zip (same as winRAR) and now I can download from mts and other sites :D! SO that basically got me all exited, and I spent my whoooole day downloading cc. Anyways, in other news, I have a week off, so a chapter is gaurenteed :3