This is such a fun meme. I love icons--there's something uniquely pleasurable about choosing and naming them. So,
algernon_mouse picked seven of my icons, and I will talk about them under the cut.
This icon was a birthday present from
beingothrwrldly, made for me years ago. It's brilliant Photoshop job. Um, probably everyone who knows me from the OC days knows that Ryan and Sandy are by far my favorite characters, and also that I'm kind of into Ryan/Any Cohen. I have a feeling that most of the Sandy/Ryan floating around out there was written specifically for me. (Though, oddly, I have never written it. I have written Ryan/Kirsten and Ryan/Seth, but never Ryan/Sandy.) Keywords are from Ani DiFranco's "Untouchable Face," because there's an obvious taboo with this pairing. I tend to use it when I want to be "shocking" or in conversations about sex.
Annie was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and if you know me, it's probably obvious why. This is another
beingothrwrldly special, but this one I specifically requested. Everyone needs a drunk icon, right? Keywords ("She's a drunk") are taken directly from the movie, from the scene where Miss Hannigan is trying to come up with excuses for why Annie shouldn't go stay with Mr. Warbucks. It's one of my favorite lines in the movie, and it's even funnier next to the little orphan's excited, innocent face. I tend to use it for drunk posts, mine and other people's.
I have three Tony Kushner icons. This one's from Angels in America, when Harper visits Antarctica--or at least the Antarctica of her mind. I just think it's beautiful--the pure white of the background, the furry hood, the look of wonder on her face. Even hallucinations have laws, except when they don't.
This is one of my favorite icons ever. I love Lauren Ambrose, I love Claire from Six Feet Under, and I love this image. I have more icons of Claire/Lauren than probably anyone else. She looks a lot like one of my sisters, and I suppose more like me than most celebrities. This is a good "listening" icon for LJ--she's looking up at the post above, or the comment above, and she's alert and engaged without being particularly happy or sad. I use it all the time. I am a listener, by nature, and I like other people who are listeners, too.
This icon was a present from
calendae. I think she did a "Comment and I'll make some icons I think you'll like" kind of post. And because she is awesome, and she knows what I like, I got this one. It combines all sorts of things I love--Ryan, all sad in a juvie jumpsuit, talking to Sandy, who is just out of the frame, and a line from my favorite Sufjan Stevens song. One of my favorite things about The OC is its emphasis on the families you make, not just the families you're born into. How through chance and friendship and kindness and circumstance you can end up creating (or being pulled into) a whole new family of sorts. I like the dynamics of that, in art and in life, and that's how the line "I have called you son" works with this picture, for me.
This is just a stock image, but I like the boldness of the apple-green against the yellow. I'm fond of suitcases and other images that remind me of traveling. Keywords are "And better times are coming still," my favorite line from the Neko Case song "A Widow's Toast." This is a travel icon, a hopeful icon, and occasionally a fashion icon.
This is another of my favorites: Lola from the film Run Lola Run. I love the coloring and the background and the starkness of it all. I guess I usually use this one for situations where I'm challenging myself physically--whether I'm talking about the gym, or the first time I went kayaking, or whatever. It's also a good "steeling myself" icon, and a very solitary sort of image. I use it a lot.
Comment and I'll choose seven of yours, so you can tell me about them and why you have them.