yes, we can!

Nov 04, 2008 19:57

I am crying. I am all goosebumps. We have opened the champagne.

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Comments 13

overnighter November 5 2008, 04:31:20 UTC
Have a glass for me! This is the most wonderful night. Now, let's just hope that California carries us through.

I'm so proud and happy.


maudgonne November 5 2008, 05:36:50 UTC
It's not looking great for Prop 8 right now, but I'm going to celebrate what we have already won.


elzed November 5 2008, 05:21:48 UTC
Wish I was there with you! And now I MUST GET SOME SLEEP.

President Obama. Heavens, that sounds so good...


maudgonne November 5 2008, 05:38:05 UTC
Thank you for your jubilant message! I wish I'd been able to speak to you--I listened to it twice and I was just grinning the whole time.

It sounds WONDERFUL. Maybe the world can respect us more now.


mel39 November 5 2008, 07:38:40 UTC
I must admit, I got very teary eyed this morning after I heard he'd done it. The rest of the world is grateful.


maudgonne November 5 2008, 08:17:18 UTC
I got teary-eyed so many times tonight.

I hope the world can forgive us for the last eight years.


georgley November 5 2008, 08:28:35 UTC
Everyone in my office was glued to the internet and tv today for updates.

You all did good! The rest of the world is happy!


maudgonne November 5 2008, 08:45:28 UTC
I am so proud of my country tonight! Finally, I can be proud!


60schic November 5 2008, 19:57:23 UTC
Champagne. Why didn't I think of that?

btw, what's the result on Prop 8?


maudgonne November 6 2008, 07:43:15 UTC
The result is not good. It passed.


60schic November 6 2008, 21:38:18 UTC


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