Having some technical difficulties at the moment. I have a dead and/or dying mouse, and my graphics card went belly-up yesterday. So until I can get those issues resolved I won't really be online much. I should be able to hop on briefly a couple of times a week, but it won't be much in the grand scheme of things
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Comments 10
Well, it lasted 2 years right? Not TOO bad..
It was an old AGP card, so you should be able to find one. Heck, assuming they didn't throw it all out when they moved, Matt and Andy should have one still..
I really like the way acrylics lay down on bristol, even though they do warp the paper (especially if you use them really wet). But I found it easy enough to mist the back with a spray bottle and flatten it out after the fact under a stack of phone books. X) Ghetto, maybe, but it works for me! I reserve illo board for larger and/or more complicated things (ie, in need of more layering and mashing of paint).
Are you using watercolors? Gouache? Acrylics?
My tips: Use cold press for watercolor, acrylic, gouache, or any dry media.
Use hot press when you need a fine detail with minimal bleeding usually inks, lettering in gouache, airbrush and dry brushing etc. I'll use it for my logo designs, technical drawings
Money saving stuff:
Go with 3ply when doing heavy washes to minimize warping
Use 2ply for anything else. It's just cheaper.
Buy big and cut down
Masonite and gesso.
I'll gesso pieces of cardboard (cereal boxes work well) to workout techniques without wasting a fresh canvas.
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