Script: 2
High-school Drama
The Treachery of High-school
Scene 1
Layla, Lyla, Telisa, and Aubree appear at the front steps of Hamilton High-school.
Aubree: We made it
Layla: Of Course we did
Lyla: it’s weird you know? Where here at the school of our dreams. The place we’ve been dreaming of since elementary. And all I can think about is whether or not I’ll be getting a boyfriend.
Telisa: Nice thought on the first day of school Ly!
Lyla: I’m serious. I find it mandatory to find the perfect guy here. The perfect guy who will whisper all the things I need to here. I find it mandatory to fall in love. And the guy I fall for will be the person I die with. I want to grow old with my high-school sweetie.
Aubree: It is the first day of school, we shouldn’t be late.
Layla: You’re both right. We really have to be outstanding when it comes to school, which means no tardies. And I’m pretty sure we’ll all have B.F.’s
Telisa: We really should go.
(They enter the school)