So after almost a year of anticipation and a mad dash to read the comic book in a week (which I didn't quite make) I finally saw Watchmen yesterday. I thought it had its good points and bad points. It was extremely faithful to the original book which I can't decide if that is a good or bad thing. I loved that the shots were like comic book panels and the shot through the bathroom door in the prison break scene was amazing.
I thought the casting was spot on. Jeffery Dean Morgan was fantastic as the Comedian and Jacky Earle Haley WAS Rorschach. And I mostly just wanted to hug Patrick Wilson for most of the film.
I agree with what's been said about the pacing being too slow and the film being a bit too long. I think it comes back to the faithfulness to the text. There were a few things that could have probably been cut or re-arranged. What works in a book isn't necessarily what works on screen. There were definitely some pretty awesome bits though. The fight in the alleyway with Laurie and Dan was made of win (breaking elbows anyone?) and the beginning scene with the death of the Comedian was fantastic. My favourite bit has to be the title sequence though. I thought that it really did the job of explaining a lot of the backstory and being set to 'The Times They Are A-Changin' captured the tone of the movie completely. I also loved the 80s soundtrack.
So overall, pacing issues aside, I thought it was bloody fantastic. Dr Manhattan's blue wiener was slightly distracting though. Somebody get that man a banana hammock!
4 out of 5 I'd say.