Little Bit of Fic Part 3

Feb 18, 2012 23:03

Once more, a bit of hunter!verse fic.

Martha's eyes strain as she stares at the computer screen as DK continues to input more information. She yawns and rubs her eyes as all the numbers begin to blur together on the screen.

"How can you keep doing this?" She murmurs, folding her arms up and pillowing her head on them. She continues to watch DK but her eyes keep drooping, slipping lower and lower as the screen gets fuzzier and fuzzier.

"Years of training baby," DK replies, knocking back half a bottle of mountain dew. "Staying up all hours of the night playing every gaming device known to man until your eyes don't cross anymore." His fingers fly over the keyboard, inputting more info into his program.

"... yeah, okay," Martha mumbles, her voice beginning to get drowsy as sleep begins to take over. DK looks over at Martha and smiles, feeling a surge of brotherly affection for her. He reaches over and brushes hair off her forehead. She's been worried sick over John since he disappeared out the hotel with the demon and she's barely slept at all since they made it to Kansas and to D'argo's house. DK smiles at her and lets her finally get some rest as he continues to work, in putting more information and numbers.

"Hey, I found that liver piece thing you wanted--" D'Argo starts as he makes his way into the room. DK glares and shushes him, his eyes jerking over to Martha.

"Good, put it over there. We're going to need it to get this spell to work right..." DK sighs, rubbing at the bridge of his nose as he feels a tension headache brewing. Only a bit longer and he'll have found what he needs to get his buddy out, just a bit longer...

"Oh yeah! Who is the man!" DK shouts, jumping up from his chair triumphantly. Martha is jerked awake, sitting up bot right and reaching for the knife that is not at her side.

"What--?" She asks, looking at DK for an explanation.

"Who do you love? Come on baby, tell me who you love," he eggs her on, grabbing her arms and pulling her onto her feet.

"I don't know. Do I love you DK?" She asks tiredly, moving along wherever he takes her.

"Yes darling, yes you do," he informs her with a cheeky grin.

She yawns and nods along. "Okay, so why do I love you then?"

"Because I have figured out the exact spell you need to use to find your beloved Johnny-Boy."

That news perks Martha's ears and she is suddenly all awake and all business. "You found it? Great! What is it? What do we need? Let's get started." DK grins and lets her go gather her things, enjoying the excited muttering she's doing as she gets ready.

"I already had D'Argo go and grab some of the things we'd need. I knew he'd have it or know how to get it," DK informs her. His grin grows wider and he rocks onto the balls of his feet, hands stuffed into his pockets.

Martha shoots a look back over at DK and grins before running over and grabbing him, pulling him into a hard, quick kiss. "Right, show me what I need to do."

DK falls forward into her as soon as she pulls away, frowning. "Hey, hey I was enjoying that!" He complains, teasing her, Martha just rolls her eyes, not taking any of DK's advances seriously.

"Right, right well, I suppose we can just skip to the chant making then," he grumbles, shooting her a look before smiling again. "You need your cards darling and a black crystal and a white crystal. I'll get these other things set up."

Martha nods and runs off, digging through her bags for the needed supplies before returning to DK as quickly as possible. DK stands over a wooden bowl, the liver and a few choice herbs mixed in as he held it high over a flame. Martha watches him closely as he adds a few other herbs and begins chanting in latin from a sheet. Martha is familiar enough with latin but doesn't recognise the incantation he's using at all.

"I need the black crystal," he murmurs, holding a hand out for it. She quickly hands it over and he drops it into the bowl before adding a strong smelling liquid to the bowl and placing it over the fire again. He swirls the bowl around and around, the liquid beginning to bubble up high in the bowl. A sweet smelling odor begins to fill the room and Martha can feel the hairs on the back of her neck begin to stand up.

DK blows out the flame and sets the bowl down to let it cool. "Now the white crystal," he says, holding his hand out. Martha nods and hands it over immediately. DK places it in between two layers of one of Crichton's shirts. He places a hand over the outside and whispers a few more words in latin before pulling it back out and handing it to Martha.

"Hold that one in your right hand," he instructs her. She nods and does so, waiting. DK grabs the wooden bowl and a strainer, pouring out the liquid into a glass and leaving behind the liver, the herbs and the black crystal. He plucks the crystal out of the mixture and hands it to her. "Left hand for this one. And now for the really fun part." He gives her a small wince, knowing how bad this is going to be. "Going to have to drink this."

"Drink it?" She repeats, boggling at the deep red liquid concoction. "Seriously?"

DK nods. "Yeah, you drink it and it induces visions and psychokinetic feelings." Martha blinks, starring at him still. "Okay, look I know its crazy and all but how is this any weirder than all the other hoodoo shit you do?"

Martha furrows her brow and glares at DK; her hoodoo is anything but shit. "Fine. But I can't drink it and hold the crystals."

DK seems to have this already planned out and bounces over to her. "Sit down, hold the crystals in your hands and I'll... help pour this down your throat," he says with a huge grin.

"Oh if you had a nickel for every time you said that," Martha murmurs, settling onto the ground. DK snickers and just smiles wider, winking at her.

"I'd be able to quit this crazy life and you crazy kids," he adds.

"Oh you love it and us, don't lie." Martha settles herself on the floor, crossing her legs and making herself comfortable.

"You ready?" DK asks, moving to stand behind her. Martha tilts her head back and takes a deep breath before nodding. "Right then, sorry about this darling." Leaning over her, DK plugs her nose with one hand and begins to pour the liquid down her throat as quickly as he can. Martha's body shudders and she tries not to breathe and taste it. Finishing the glass, DK sets it off to the side and hovers around Martha, not sure what will happen.

The after taste is horrible and Martha has to focus not to have her stomach revolt and throw it all back up. Her hands squeeze the crystals and she focuses on just one question, where John Crichton is. It doesn't take long before the liquid takes effect and Martha feels like she's spinning, moving and swirling through space some how. Her eyes fly open and in front of her she can see John, bruised and bloodied and still naked. His hands are bound and above his head, hanging on a large hook. Martha tries to reach out and touch him but the image of John pulls back so she can see he's alone in a large warehouse. It pulls back again and she's looking at the outside of the warehouse, the dirty, rainy streets its on. Her body continues to feel like she's spinning through space as she begins to pull back further, taking in the surroundings. She keeps an eye on everything she can see, landmarks, street signs, anything that might give away the location.

DK paces the floor, watching Martha. She's been in a sort of trance all night, her body swaying back and forth. He has no idea how long the hallucination induced state is supposed to last for, he just hopes she snaps out of it soon.

She's spent hours in this state and DK is about to find a way to wake her up when Martha's eyes snap open and she gasps deeply. It takes her a moment to catch her bearings before she looks over at DK, still wide-eyed. "I know where John is."
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