Picky subs

Feb 01, 2010 16:54

In SL news, I've been hanging out at Enslaved, a combat/capture sim-- i.e. people run around shooting at each other, and whoever wins can do what they want with the loser.

Personally, I like the thrill of not knowing till the final arrow shot whether I'll be domme or sub, and if the latter, what I might be in for.  I've had some fun experiences there.. also some remarkably poor ones, and this being LJ I'll talk about those here.

One problem is that SL continues to suck for combat.   People write combat scripts, but put thirty people in a sim each running a combat meter, a graphical HUD, weapons, weapons HUD, and arrows, all with scripts, and you get horrible lag.    Now that it's possible to make separate viewers, someone should really create a combat mod for SL.  Most of the work should be done client-side.

I read people's profiles, and there's something jarring about how particular people are about how they get topped.  In addition to the usual, these have included:
  • no women ("no men" is common elsewhere, and I figure it usually means the player is a straight male, but this is the first place I've seen "no women")
  • no animal statues, but furries OK
  • no removing clothes
  • no taking clothes (whatever that means)
  • no sex 
  • no RP lasting more than 15 minutes (jeez, I try not to play with someone if they have less than an hour available)
  • personal bans of particular people (seems like an inefficient use of the picks tabs)
I guess I'm an RP purist.... I have preferences too, but isn't the whole idea of capture RP that you're giving up control to a stranger, subject only to your evasion skills (or in this case, your archery skills)?

I think I've also had my worst topping and subbing experiences-- well, in a couple of years at least. 
  • I captured a chick who made it clear that she was used to being a domme, and kept demanding to be let go and uselessly threatening me.  I don't mind someone being a challenge, but she was just annoying.  (It was clear that this was RP-- she didn't poof away and she cooperated with IMs asking her to put on a gag etc.)  Normally I like to ravish my victims, but all I wanted to do with her was crop her and get rid of her. 
  • Just last night I was captured by a beautiful woman who immediately took me to a sex bed and seeming tried out every damn position, trying each one for approximately ten seconds.  She said very little.  I gamely tried some emotes but it was really dumb rather than sexy. Usually it's male avs who behave like this; the best I can say is that they're visual people who want to see their avatars doing nasty things, and unfortunately have a short attention span. 
Plus I've read not one but two profiles that pedantically quote John Norman to refute certain misconceptions about Gor.  One of these, I joke not, was about whether women can use scimitars.  This is apparently contentious, but the subject is closed, people: it's canonical.

women using scimitars, combat, lag, rp, sl, topping from the bottom

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