I'm really bored

Apr 03, 2005 19:31

Don't judge me.

1...pierced nose or tongue? Neither, if I had a choice it'd be eyebrow.
2...serious or funny? You have to be serious to set up a funny joke sometimes.
3...boxers or briefs? Boxers.

8...flowers or angels? Angels but not Charlie's. They suck.
9...Dumb or Dumber? I guess dumb because dumber would be dumber than just dumb and I really detest dumb people so the less dumb the better.

10...colour or black n white photos? Black and white. Color is overrated because it causes racism.

11...lust or love? Both!
12...sunrise or sunset? Sunset. I see them everynight because I live so close to the lake I just look outside and see them
13...M&Ms or skittles? I'd rather call them 3MEW's. I hate how the 3, the E, and the W all get shafted.

14...rap or rock? Nigger Rap preferably.

15...staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late because everything gets hotter once the sun goes down.
16...TV or radio? Radio because it's ol' school.
17...calling it POP or SODA? Pop, not soda, and definitely NOT coke!

18...using X's or O's in Tic-Tac-Toe? Neither.
19...water or alcohol? Both.
20...eating apples or grapes? The combination which is called a "grapple". They're really good.

23...being hot or cold? Cold, I can't stand the heat.
24...tall members of opposite sex? Ehh, that's kind of weird.

25...sun or moon? Moon because every time I look at it I think of ways I could write my name on it so everyone in the whole world would look up and see, "Max Dillivan Rules!"...on the moon.
26...emeralds or rubies? Rubies because they're in Zelda. Great game.
27...left or right? Coordination: Both. Politically: Neither.

28...having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend because people are overrated.
29...sun or rain? Rain for the most part.

30...vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Both because I enjoy ice cream concoctions.
31...boys or girls? Sexually: Girls. Talking about sex: Boys
32...green beans or carrots? Green beans because I take care of my eye sight by smoking plenty of weed.

33...low fat or fat free? Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

34...What is your biggest fear in the world? Falling from high places and losing someone I love for one reason or another. Oh yeah, I'm also deathly afraid of badasses like Justin Kahrs.

35...Kids or no kids? I don't know yet.
36...Cat or dog? Dog. ATP's my boy!
37...Half empty or half full? Half unfull. I'll go halfway on this one.

39...Hard cover books or soft cover books? Well hard cover books provide the protection of everyday reading abuse and also they look more professional. However, soft cover you can throw around and burn a lot easier but look less professional. I guess neither because I'm not a big fan of reading.

40...newspaper or mag? Both,
41...Sandles or sneakers? Sandles are only for the summer. Weirdos.
42...Wonder or amazement? Both.
43...Red car or white car? Neither. Red and white are for pussies.
44...Happy and poor or sad and rich? Sad and poor for me, thanks.
45...Singing or dancing? I can't do either unless you want me to break dance.
46...Hugging or kissing? Both.
47...Corduroy or plaid? What the fuck is "plaid"?
48...Purple or green? Neither.
49...Blondes, brunettes or red heads? Read heads: Disguisting. Blondes: Not my style. Brunettes: That's more like it.

50...What time is it now: Eight of the clock Post Meridiem.
51...Name? Maxwell Kenneth Irving Dillivan
52...nickname? Maximus, MKID, Terri...oh man. There's soo many, I forget.
53...Parents name? Tim and Karen
54...Names of siblings? Lisa
55...age of siblings? 20. Man she's getting old.
56...Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 17
57...Date that you regularly blow them out? Sometimes October 6th, on my birthday, but sometimes I like to play tricks on myself on blow them out a day early or late.
58...Pets? PETE!

59...Height? 5'11"
60...Eye colour? Brown
61...Hair colour? So dark brown it's almost black. Yeah, I didn't think you'd believe that but it's true. Call Ripley!

62...Piercing(s)? None.

63...been toilet papering? Yep.
64...Where do you want to live? The moon.
65...How many kids you want? No idea yet.
66...What kind of job do you want? Maybe Architect, translator, or something in business. I have no idea.
67...Do you want to get married? It took me 17 years to finally find someone who'll put up with my shit. Good luck finding another anytime soon hahah.

68...makes you laugh the most? Guy friends: Andy. Girl friends: Kaci.
69...is the shyest? Andy by far. What a puss! HAHA
70...is the most outgoing? Guy friends: Jim. Girl friends: Trisha.
71...is the most fun to be round? Guy friends: Justin. Girl friends: Kaci, by far hahaha.
72...Knows the most about you? Kaci.
73...Has it easier guys or girls? Neither..."life is hard all over" - that's a direct quote from a book we read in 8th grade hahaha. The Greaser's I think it was called...or maybe the East Side Boys?? Fuck, I don't remember.

74...Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon!
76...Mr Pibb or Dr Pepper? I love both. I could think about that question for hours if I wanted.
77...Coffee or ice cream? Ice cream.
78...Shampoo or conditioner? Conditioner!
79...Bridges or tunnels? Tunnels because architectually, they're more difficult to build...blah, blah, blah...AIA Standards...blah, blah, blah...Thanks Troy Foster!
80...One pillow or two? One
81...Adidas or Nike? PHAT FARM for me, please.

82...salad dressing? Ranch...with bacon.
83...soup? Tomato or Chicken Noodle.
84...Toothpaste? Crest bitches cause that's what my dad perscribes and he's a dentist so he knows what works the best.
85...Food? So many food I love...
86...Song of the moment? Wesley Willis - They Threw Me Out of Church and Wesley Willis - Kill Whitey.
87...Toothbrush? This clear one I have.
88...Subject in school? French.
89...Flowers? Nope.
90...brown tobacco or green tobacco? I don't know, I'll let Jim decide for me. lol just playing dude. Please don't flip the switch on me.
91...Should you have walked away? Yes, I regret not walking away sooner everyday of my life...
92...Sleep with clothes on or off? Depends on how hot it is.
93...Single or Taken? Taken by Kaci.
94...Is it going to be you and me together, Or are you just having fun? A little bit of both, baby. ;-)
93...What kind of beer? The kind my dad and I make together.
94... Sleep with or without someone? It's really hard to have sex without someone else so I'm gonna go with someone.
95...how long can you hold your breath for? I play the baritone in the MB so trust me, I can hold it for about a minute.
96...ona scale of 1-10 ( ten being the highest) what would you rate yerself? Looks: 7. Personality: 9. Creativity: 10. Funniness: 1..I'm just not a funny guy.
97...Ski's or Snowboard? Sledding!
98...Who is always there for you? Pretty much everyone except Bill because he ditched me for a far away land lol just playing.
99...Chicken or Pork? Chicken because Jews can't eat pork.
100....What do you look for in a guy/girl?? Why not everything? You gotta make sure she's perfect before you date her.
101...Time? Eight Seventeen of the clock Post Meridiem.

There you have it, jerks.
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