I've been planning to move off of LJ for a while now, I just need to get up off my ass and establish my web site. However this all shakes out, I really do want to keep in touch with you. And yeah, this whole situation as been smelling like week old fish for a while now.
Likewise, please let´s stay in touch, I´m setting up place at the link provided by Helena below; she´s a very old real-life friend, as well as a serious, reliable person!
I have bookmarked your dx site so I can check on it from time to time and see what you're up to. You're not the only one concerned about the company shift. I have BSDM-scene friends who are worried about what the whole "taste and decency monitoring" rhetoric will do to their posts. I understand that it's not a personal grudge, but my friend's page will be a lot lonelier without your posts. :(
So are you off LJ for good or will you stop by and comment from time to time?
Great, Cait! I´ve put up a feed anyway, it´s the last entry on this journal and under flock. You won´t get less, you might get even more of my boring X-stuff :p But, er, why should ANYONE mind another´s BSDM stuff so much, as long as it´s not readily accessible for minors of course? Closet jealousy, or what?
I´m keeping it to keep up on my flist, comment there, and for them to follow the feed likewise if they wish.
Comments 30
And yeah, this whole situation as been smelling like week old fish for a while now.
(The comment has been removed)
So are you off LJ for good or will you stop by and comment from time to time?
I´m keeping it to keep up on my flist, comment there, and for them to follow the feed likewise if they wish.
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