Respond to this post by yelling "Words!" (or whatever) and I will give you five words that make me think of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
My five words from
cinema_babe Cats- I have had cats for almost all of my conscious life. It suits me to the point I sometimes feel a bit awkward around those who have had none and don't miss it. It is a cliche, but I do often feel more comfortable in their company and can relate more with them. I know it is an illusion of course. No cat can play a game of go worth a damn and they don't appreciate lemons, literature, or the sea. But still I feel that way sometimes. One of the things I dread most about the future is that it will be absent cats for at least the foreseeable future.
Strategy- While I do believe in and try to practice honor and altruism (within reason), I have to admit being something of a pragmatist at heart. I am drawn to the notions of Machiavelli and Bismark, though I disagree w. their short sightedness. I not only believe that the ends justify the means, but that the ends are the only measure for choosing the means. But the ends is not just the immediate consequences, but all the repercussions on down through infinity. Thus my integral for measuring the ends varies quite a great deal from those others who also claim pragmatism. Whether I am remembered as a good and honorable person and whether I have made the world a better place are as much a part of the ends as the the question of whether I've achieved my short-term goal. I am also constrained by the knowledge that I am a poor strategist and attempts at convoluted plans can defeat even the best minds.
Go- I had heard of go many years ago. I read a few articles regarding it and computer science and decided I would like to master such a thing. I even found myself a set and learned the basic rules on my own. But I knew noone who played and had no internet at the time so it lay fallow. Then about 10 years ago I discovered that a friend of mine was playing a mutual friend of ours. We started getting together about once a week and then she happened to hear of the area's Cherry Blossom Open (a big local tournament). It was there we got to meet the local go community and it really started to take off for me. I have always been attracted to games of abstract strategy, but go really lit a fire in me. Such complex possibilities to be reached from such simple rules. It didn't hurt that it had thousands of years of history (more so than chess) or that it came from Far East Asia, with which I've long had a fascination. It is one of the few things I have gotten to know more than shallowly and I intend to dig even deeper for as long as I'm able.
Yoga- Not one of my passions, but I value flexibility almost as much as strength. I often enjoy the yoga classes more than just plain stretching. Not just because it also improves strength (particularly in the core), but it's just more interesting. I also often enjoy the tunes the teachers play during classes. Sadly, I take off my glasses during these sessions, so don't get the further plus of ogling young, fit bodies in tights.
Climbing- The oldest of my passions listed here. I always loved climbing trees and scrambling over rocks. When I was a kid my older sister brought me to see
"The Eiger Sanction". I think was hypnotized more by the climbing training in the Southwest US than I was by the boobies (though they certainly left their mark on me as well). Yet for some reason I didn't pursue my fascination like I should have for many years. But just about 2 1/2 years ago I went to a meetin at one of the local climbing gyms and it relit my fire. It's been hard trying to achieve what I let lay for so long, but the challenge is part of the point. I have a hard time explaining what fascinates me so much with climbing. Some of it is solving the puzzle of moving most efficiently with your body over a space it is not designed for. Some of it is the extra dimension (I don't like flat). Some of it is the thrill of adrenalin at facing the heights I fear. Some of it is the thrill of looking out over such views. Some of it is the joy of stretching and straining almost every part of my body. I'm sorry, but I lack the words at this time.