Yeah...I had one of those days. It was not fun. It was like a roller coaster of luck. I'll plot it out for you all.
9:15 AM - Wake up to "Life Goes On" from Chou Sei Shin Gransazer on my computer alarm clock. While the song is good luck, the fact that this is after 4 hours of sleep, is bad luck.
Current Luck = lightly bad
10 AM to 1:30 PM - Classes and work. Luck does not count here because they are not luck driven.
Current Luck = lightly bad
1:45 to 2:15 PM - Pack up stuff that I don't need and doing things are around my room. Set my computer to defrag itself, hopefully that will finish.
Current Luck = neutral
2:15 to 2:30 PM - Go get car and proceed to pack up. There are no spaces to park outside of my dorm, so I park across the street. After my last load I notice that I have a yellow envelope under my wiper. I grab it, and it's a $40 dollar parking ticket for parking there. WTF!! Where am I supposed to park to load my car.
Current Luck = bad
2:30 to 3:30 - Drive to DoCT (Department of Campus Transportation) to dispute my ticket. Argument fails, still have to pay the fine.
Current Luck = the bottom of the barrel
3:30 to 4:30 - Driving home. Hit moderate traffic. Get pissed.
Current Luck = still the bottom baby.
4:30 to 6:00 - Stop off at Chesapeake College and hang with Jason for a while. Rage subsides
Current luck = little bit bad
6:05 - Notice cel phone is not in pocket. Drive back to parking space, and find it scratched up. Was run over twice. Not exactly pleasing.
Current luck = why bother?
6:05 to Current - Run errands in Easton, and pick up movies for my report for CMLT 214. Spent too much time in there because Die Hard was not in. Had to choose The Matrix instead. Ate dinner. Knees hurt. Eyes itch. Fun Fun.
Current Luck = heh...still bad, but a bit better.