Title: Red and White
Author: Maxinegray
Characters: Mohinder, Sylar
Rating: PG 13
Prompt: Candy Cane
A/N: Written for the mylar_fic holiday prompt table. I won't be posting the rest till after Jan cause I leave for St.Petersburg tonight. This is not fluffy. I don't think so.
Sylar has red and white days. )
Comments 18
And OMG ZOMBIES!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Sylar and Adam working together was something I hoped for SO much, and with Mohinder (unwillingly) in the mix, that makes this scenario completely and utterly EPIC. &hearts ♥ &hearts
ZOMBIES! Another reason why Adam should have stuck around. An epic Adam/Sylar team up and battle of the fake british accents with Mohinder. Heroes needs epic team ups.. and zombies. That would bring in viewers big time!
Thanks for the comment! :D
Zombies at Christmas makes things better, don't you agree?
Heh thanks for reading dref! If I had a Noah icon I would use it now, but alas I will stick with my badass Adam.
I always think of you whenever I see an Adam icon! XD
Oh and teddy bears and now ruined forever for me, thank you very much.
And I love how even in the middle of a zombie apocalypse Sylar is willing to snag such an opportunity.
Well in a zombie filled world.. what can you do but snatch every chance you can get! I'm sure Sylar will be taking many more opportunities like that in the future! ;)
Thanks for the comment!!
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