I think about you often, Maxine. I fear the worst, but I also think of all the joy you gave me. Thank you for encouraging me in the hardest times. I'm doing wonderfully now, and every time I succeed I think of you cheering me on.
Hello, I am reading through Maxines threads. I am her daughters best friend and unfortunately I have some bad news. Maxine passed away last May from a heart attack.
Re: Maxine MayerswordageApril 23 2009, 21:16:35 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear that, but at the same time it's almost a relief to finally know. Thank you for telling me. She was so supportive and positive during some of the worst times of my life.
I've been sitting here bawling for fifteen minutes now, trying to think of a way to summarize just how incredible she was, but words are escaping me. Thank you again.
Re: Maxine MayertrystingsAugust 3 2009, 18:26:59 UTC
Thank you so much for letting us know. She was a wonderful and incredible person and she will be greatly missed. Please extend my sympathies to her daughter and granddaughter. ~Trystings.
Comments 16
I've been sitting here bawling for fifteen minutes now, trying to think of a way to summarize just how incredible she was, but words are escaping me. Thank you again.
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