Our first makeover contest will be:
Goths in Black, White and Red
For this, we'll give you package files with Mortimer and Bella Goth as adults (for Sim2 and Sims 3) and your task will be to give them a makeover in any style, but using mainly Black, White and Red (or grays) on their clothing. A few touches in other colors are allowed but only in details. The main part of each piece of clothing must be black, white and/or red (or grays)
Detailed Rules on Makeovers:
- Both sims must be adult for their makeover.
- NO plastic surgery in any way or anything else that may affect the sim's original face shape and facial features (custom/default replacement skins can be used, because they don't change the face shape). No Exceptions! (Try using the clones provided as they are clean and not modified in any way.)
- Your makeovers don't have to be maxis-match and any type of CC is allowed, including skin and eyes, as long as you don't change their basic genetics. Meaning, they must have the right skin tone, and correct eyes and hair color. I'm aware that some cc skin/eye alter the tones a bit, but that is ok as long as you keep their eyes brown(ish), hair black, and the skins are S3 for Bella and S1 for Mortimer in Sims 2; and their respective genetics for Sims 3 (They vary a bit, but I hope you get what I mean)
- You can makeover the sims in any style or theme as long you respect the color restrictions for their clothing (black, white, red) and their clothing include, a least, a bit of each one of these colors in each entry.(For example: you can do mainly black, but the entry must have at least bit of white and red too, either in both sims or one of them. You could use black and white for Mortimer, and black and red for Bella.) Grays are allowed as variations of black, but not required.
- You can use makeup and accessories, but NO face masks or any type of makeup/accessories that would cover the face too much (like tattoos, painting, glasses, etc).
- You can use hats and any type of hair style, but just like with makeup and accessories, try not to cover their faces too much.
Detailed Rules on Entries:
- For this contest we will go with ANONYMOUS entries. This means entries will be screened and you can NOT share them until after voting is over. Probably not everyone will agree or like this rule, but I can only trust that you'll respect it. And please note the emphasis on "THIS" contest, as the rules will change in other occasions depending on what we do. I just want to try something different this time and see how it works.
- You don't have to be a member to participate but you will need an LJ account. (I don't want to exclude people, but I need to make sure I could contact/reply back to anyone entering without problems if needed)
- You can enter up to two different entries in total (either for the same type of game, or one for each).
- Leave LINKS (please links only, don't embed the picts) to your images as a reply to the assigned thread in the comments (Where it says "ENTRIES HERE"). You can use any image host, even your own scrapbook as images will be uploaded somewhere else for voting anyways. Please make sure you reply to the correct thread so your entry doesn't get lost between other comments.
Your entry must include:
1.- One full body shot (standing still) and a close up for each sim (separately) with plain color backgrounds**. Any color is fine, as long as it doesn't blend with your sims outfits, but try to use the same color in all of your previews. Max. size 600x450 each.
2- One FREE STYLE picture with any kind of background and any pose. You can go as creative as you want with this, but make sure the sims are the focus of your shot (Bella and Mortimer together, but don't add other sims on the shot) and that we can see at least 1/2 to 3/4 of their full body, so NO close up for the Free Style. We must see their outfits at least partially. Max. size 700x550.
You can NOT retouch or photoshop the images, except for a bit of sharp and saturation/contrast if needed. No additions, no effects, no retouching, no decorations, no frames, no borders, no letters, no even in the Free Style picture!
** I recommend using the photostudio-background that can be found
here with more recolors by
raemia or
myself (I did these for me, so no preview, but they are mostly neutral colors. You can see some of them used in the previews of my eyes set
here, jic). If you don't have and don't want to DL the background, use plain wallpaper/paint, but try to keep the floors with similar tones and as plain as possible.
Download Mortimer and Bella for SIMS 2 ---
Download Mortimer and Bella for SIMS 3 DUE DATE IS MONDAY AUGUST 29 at 5pm EST.
Update on Tuesday, 30th: NO MORE ENTRIES ACCEPTED AT THIS POINT. Voting polls will be up soon.
Special thanks to
engram_au for extracting the sims for Sims 3;
skellington7d for the Black, White and Red idea; and all the members who left us their opinion and ideas for these contests. Everyone's ideas will be considered for future challenges (either contests or monthly dares). If you have more ideas to share, please leave them
here (m-only).
Please feel free the leave any question or comments here. I'll un-screen your comments as needed, but please remember to leave your entries in the right thread, and read the rules carefully before entering. (And again, you can not share your entries publicly until after voting is over.)