Hi guys, this is a bit late again, but there's plenty of time left in February to try this challenge if you want. ;)
For this month, we'll building a house especially designed for any of the bin families.
It can be a bin family native to a particular hood (like Singles or Capp) or any of the EPs bin Families like the Traveller. Which family is up to you, but it must a bin family without a house (not Kim, for example) and you must build the house for that family alone, keeping in mind all their family members and needs.
Your only restriction is the size of the lot you can use, according to the number of members in each family (including pets, jic, tho the only family with pet and w/o a house would be Cyd)
If the family has 1 or 2 members only you can only use a small lot.
If the family has 3 to 4 members you can use up to a medium lot
If the family has 5 or more members you could use a large lot (though personally I think large lots are way too big for residential houses, so you can of course use a med. lot too, but you have the option)
The final prize of the house doesn't matter and you don't have to actually move the family in either. Just build the house with them in mind.
You must however start with a empty lot or, if building from scratch is too hard and/or you want some base to start with, you could start with any maxis premade unoccupied lots in either the bin or the hoods, but it must be visibly altered. You can't simply pick a preexisting lot and just place furniture on it and you can't use downloaded houses either.
And remember that
Dare 26: Second Chances is still on throughout this month, if you want to try that one instead. (or do both!)
Both challenges are due by the end of February
Any questions, doubts or concerns please don't hesitate to ask or say something here.
Have fun!