PairingGirl! Minho/Key
Genre Friendship/
Rating PG
Summary Eunsook's stuck; right in the middle.
S t u c k i n t h e m i d d l e
Eunsook inhaled softly, just nodding her head as Gwiboon started complain again for what felt like the millionth time about her ex-friend. Sometimes it made Eunsook wonder why she even bothered to talk to Gwiboon, when all she wanted to do was talk about Minjung. It wasn’t that Eunsook was jealous, but sometimes she wanted to talk about homework, or the cute boy she had seen. Not to mention she preferred Minjung’s twin brother, Minho to the tall girl.
“I just can’t get over this,” Gwiboon shook her pretty head, her forehead creased as she sighed softly. “I mean, I know she’ll never talk to me again. But I miss her so much.” Eunsook nodded her head, just managing to keep the frown off her face. She had heard it all before and could practically recite it now: Minjung was Gwiboon’s happiness. Oh Gwiboon loved Eunsook as a friend too, but she couldn’t be happy without Minjung.
“I’ll never be okay, Eunsook. I can never be happy without Minjung. She’s the only person who can make me happy. I mean I love you too, Eunsook. But somehow Minjung is my happiness.”
By the time Gwiboon left, Eunsook felt physically drained. Talking to Gwiboon was so tiring when they had the same conversation over and over. It made her want to scream and shout at Gwiboon to either just go up to Minjung and kiss her, or just get over her. But Eunsook kept it all inside, sighing softly as she slumped on the couch.
The next day, Eunsook wished she had pretended to be sick. Anything. Instead she managed a watery smile, as Minjung pleaded with her. Eunsook thought she could even imitate Minjung’s expression as she mumbled, the same old words “oh no I can never forgive her. I just think it’s a waste, y’know.” And Eunsook nodded her head, hiding her frustration deep down.
“I mean, I bought this for her when we were friends. Can you please give it to her, on my behalf? Like. I really wanted to give it to her. But I’m scared if I do it, she’ll misunderstand and think we can be friends again.” Minjung would patiently explain, “I mean, she broke my heart, she promised to always be there and understand me. But she couldn’t understand me, she totally ripped my heart apart. I can’t be friends with her, I can’t forgive her.”
Eunsook nodded her head, reaching over to pat Minjung’s shoulder, but she was seething on the inside. She had lost count of how many times they had had this conversation. How many times Minjung begged her to give the present to Gwiboon for her, and how many times Eunsook had said no. Eunsook felt like saying “Yeah, but Minjung you want to be more than friends. You want to be lovers. Just admit it already.”
This is not written by me, this is written by a friend of mine, who wishes to stay anon, for many reasons; I am just posting this for her.
The Real Author Says:
This is about me wanting to bash my friends heads together and be like “guys. Just admit you fucking like each other already. I’m sick of being stuck in the middle of it so blah.